Spr rozprawki nr 2

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Nowadays more and more schools are deciding to give up with PE classes based on competitive games. Instead, they provide exercises in which there is no winners and losers. What are the benefits and drawbacks of such a step?

There is no denying that there are numerous marvelous reasons for such a solution. First of all, there are no arguments between students. It prevents children from bursting into tears and provides a peaceful lesson. Secondly, there is an equality among students. Some of them may do badly in nsport and seeing that they lose another game can reduce their self-assesment.

Nevertheless, there are also disadvantages of such a solution. Firstly, competitive games help children to adapt to life. Not only do they teach them the humility, but also show how to cope with the occured problems. What is more, such games motivate children to work. Seeing that their opponent is better, they will make more efforts to beat them, which affects positively on their personal development.

In conclusion, there are both pros and cons of doing away with PE lessons based on competitiveness. Taking into consideration all the aforementioned arguments, I am inclined to agree with the opponents more. However, every PE teacher should make an own choice depending on the abilities of the students.
Nowadays more and more schools are deciding(raczej present simple) to give up with(bez tego) PE classes based on competitive games. Instead, they provide exercises in which there is(niezgrabne może angielskir słowo "bez") no winners and losers. What are the benefits and drawbacks of such a s (może angielskie słowo "tego")step?

There is no denying that there are numerous marvelous reasons for such a(znowu moze "takiego") solution. First of all, there are no arguments between students. It prevents children from bursting into tears and provides a peaceful lesson. Secondly, there is an (niepoliczalne) equality among students. Some of them may do badly in nsport and (brakuje słowa dwie litery na b) seeing that they lose another game (brakuje zaimka aby zrobic relative clause) can reduce their self-assesment.

Nevertheless, there are also disadvantages of such a solution. Firstly, competitive games help children to adapt to life. Not only do they teach them the(niepotrzebne) humility, but also show how to cope with the occured (moze przym. od "exist)problems. What is more, such games motivate children to work.(prosi się o słowo "mocniej). Seeing that their opponent is better, they will make more efforts (raczej chodzi o ogólny wysiłek)to beat them, which affects(moze poprostu "ma pozytywny efekt) positively on their personal development.

In conclusion, there are both pros and cons of doing away with PE lessons based on competitiveness. Taking into consideration all the aforementioned arguments, I am inclined to agree with the opponents more.(po czasowniku osobowym) However, every PE teacher should make (zaimek jego/ich) an own choice depending on the abilities of the(raczej ogólnie) students.
no winners and(bez zwycieżców albo...) losers.
depending on the abilities of the(raczej ogólnie, najlepiej znowu zaimek) students.
Nowadays more and more schools decide to give up PE classes based on competitive games. Instead, they provide exercises without winners or losers. What are the benefits and drawbacks of this step?

There is no denying that there are numerous marvelous reasons for this solution. First of all, there are no arguments between students. It prevents children from bursting into tears and provides a peaceful lesson. Secondly, there is equality among students. Some of them may do badly in sport and (brakuje słowa dwie litery na b) - nie wiem seeing that they lose another game (brakuje zaimka aby zrobic relative clause) - tez nie wiem can reduce their self-assesment.

Nevertheless, there are also disadvantages of such a solution. Firstly, competitive games help children to adapt to life. Not only do they teach them humility, but also show how to cope with the existing problems. What is more, such games motivate children to work harder. Seeing that their opponent is better, they will make more efforts ? to beat them, which has a positive effect on their personal development.

In conclusion, there are both pros and cons of doing away with PE lessons based on competitiveness. Taking into consideration all the aforementioned arguments, I am inclined to agree with the opponents more.(?) However, every PE teacher should make their own choice depending on the abilities of students.
(brakuje zaimka aby zrobic relative clause) - tez nie wiem can reduce their self-assesment. poczytaj o zaimkach względnych to takie wyrazy przeważnie na litery "wh".
I am inclined to agree with the opponents more.(?) musisz zintensyfikować słowo "inclined"np" I am happy.- jak powiedzieć ze jest się bardziej szczęśliwym kiedy cos sie dzieje
the abilities of (zaimek tu) students.
No dobrze, ale jak to
When seeing that they lose another game i jak dalej dac?
When seeing that they lose another game i jak dalej dac? masz przykładowe zdanie z użyciem tych słów : According to the latest research we lose weight by sleeping more which seems questionable.
Jezeli chodzi o zaimek wzgledny to go znasz bo uzywałes go pozniej w tej rozprawce.
ill make more efforts ? wysiłek po angielsku jest policzalny i niepoliczalny. zastanów się jakiego chcesz uzyc
Jeju jaki zaimek? Nic nie kapuje
Some of them may do badly in sport and when seeing that they lose another game /chodzi mi o to miejsce bo tu nie jest poprawne/can reduce their self-assesment.
Patrycja jezeli wstawisz to słowo na b musisz zmienić zaimek that np: na swoje słabości. czyli zdanie by się tłumaczyło: poprzez ujrzenie swoich słabości przegrywają kolejny mecz co moze...
and seeing that they lose another game can reduce their self-assesment.
Aaaaaaa no dobra juz czaje
Oczywiscie, ze which dzięki :)
Some of them may do badly in sport and when (moze byc) seeing that (mozesz zmienic na "ich bycie gorszym" infe...) they lose another game /chodzi mi o to miejsce bo tu nie jest poprawne (no ten zaimek , który znasz na wh)/can reduce their self-assesment.
Nie, chyba sie nie zrozumielismy,
Chcialam napisac:
Niektorzy uczniowie nie radza sobie db w sporcie i kiedy uswiadamiaja sobie ze przegrywaja kolejne i kolejne gry moze zle wplynac na ich damoocene
Dobra moze inaczej
Some of them may do badly in sport and when seeing that they lose another game may cause a reduce of their self-assesment.
Some of them may do badly in sport and when seeing that they lose another game (a ten fabled zaimek na "wh" gdzie on jest wstaw tu) may cause a reduce (reduce to czasownik ale reduction tez tu nie pasuje poszukaj przeciwienstwa słowa increase i wstaw pamietaj z czym sie łączy ) of(jak wstawisz przeciwienstwo increase to to sie juz nie przyda) their self-assesment.( jeszcze jedno moze tu lepiej pasuje wiara w siebie zamiast samoocena, czyli zamiast assesment to rzeczownik od przymiotnika pewny con...) dobra , powodzenia i dobranoc
Cytat: Patrycjaaa12
Some of them may do badly in sport and when seeing that they lose another game may cause a reduce of their self-assesment.

co tu się staneło
pisz prosto: ...and losing game after game may reduce their self-assessment
edytowany przez zielonosiwy: 01 mar 2017
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