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Wraz z kolegami wyjechałeś na 3 tygodniowy obóz. Napisz do swoich rodziców list w ,którym
-opiszesz swoje pierwsze wrażenia
-opiszesz swój pokuj i okolice
-poprosisz rodziców o dosłanie ci brakujących rzeczy

Hi Mum and Dad,

How are you? I'm very sorry I haven't written for so long. I didn't have any time. We are going to catch up some our correspondences.

I and my friends are camping in England. We were in beautiful nature reserve. I really liked this place. We are going to club every day. We were at huge swimming pool. I was really relaxing! I live in hotel which is in London. I have lovely flat. I have a big bedroom and small bathroom. The room is large and comfortable. London is big and beautiful city. I have fallen in love about London. I've forgotten my jeans and t-shirts. Can you sending my clothes? This clothes is necessaries.

I hope to see you soon. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Write back soon.

Take care
I have fallen in love about
. to fall in love with używamy , wiec musi byc 'with '
,... ja napisałbym , poza innymi błędami masz wiele innych , uważaj na przedimki ponadto
edytowany przez Robbertoxx: 17 mar 2018
How are you? I'm very sorry I haven't written for so long. I didn't have any time. We (are going to) NIE. UŻYJ INNEJ KONSTRUKCJI catch up ON some our correspondences.

I and my friends are camping in England. We were in CZEGOŚ BRAKUJE beautiful nature reserve. I really liked this place. We are going to CZEGOŚ BRAKUNE club every day. We were at ZNOWU BRAK huge swimming pool. I was really relaxing! I live ZŁY CZAS, BO NIE MIESZKASZ TAM NA STAŁE in BRAK PRZEDIMKA hotel (which is) TO JEST NIEPOTRZEBNE in London. I have BRAK PRZEDIMKA lovely flat. I have a big bedroom and small bathroom. BŁĄD STYLISTYCZNY - POŁACZ TO ZDANIE Z POPRZEDNIM The room is large and comfortable. London is BRAK PRZEDIMKA big and beautiful city. I have fallen in love about ZŁY PRZYIMEK London. I've forgotten my jeans and t-shirts. Can you sending ZŁA FORMA CZASOWNIKA my clothes? This ZLE SLOWO clothes is ZLA FORMA necessaries. BLAD ORTOGRAFICZNY

I hope to see you soon. I look ZLY CZAS forward to hearing from you soon. Write back soon
Can you sending my clothes?
..napewno nie jest ok ... ,..
could you please , send my clothes to....
edytowany przez Robbertoxx: 17 mar 2018
I didn't have any time
Zmieniłem i zlikwidowałem trochę zdań. Nie powiem mój angielski nie jest najlepszy ale trzeba walczyć.

Hi Mum and Dad,

How are you? I'm very sorry I haven't written for so long. It was good to hear from again.

I and my friends are camping in England. We were in a beautiful nature reserve. I really liked this place. We are going to a club every day. We were at a huge swimming pool. I was really relaxing! I stay in an hotel in London. I have a lovely flat. Apartment has a big bedroom and small bathroom. The room is large and comfortable. London is a big and beautiful city. I've fallen in love with London. I've forgotten my jeans and t-shirts. Could you send my clothes to London? These clothes are essential.

I hope to see you soon.

Take care
Jak teraz się to prezentuje? Jest jeszcze coś do poprawki?
edytowany przez Rolnic: 17 mar 2018
"It was good to hear from again" - Brakuje czegoś po from.

"I was really relaxing" - Zła forma, inaczej niż relaxing.

"I stay in a hotel in London" - Pisałem, że zły czas. Nie mieszkasz w hotelu na stałe, jest to sytuacja tymczasowa.

"Apartment has a big..." - Brak przedimka przed apartment.

Postawiłbym przedimek nieokreślony przed "small bathroom".

"These clothes are essential" - złe słowo. Jeśli już to vital, ale piszesz do rodziców - zabrzmiałoby to nienaturalnie, zbyt wysublimowanie. Możesz np. I really need them, itp.

I've forgotten my jeans and t-shirts. Could you send my clothes to London? - Też nienaturalnie. Lepiej: I've forgotten my jeans and t-shirts so could you send them to me? I really need them. / I really can't do without them. Itp
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.