
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
proszę o sprawdzenie poniższego zadania. Z góry dziękuję.

Complete this text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets:
It 1. (bring) _______________________ to our attention that a number of items from the flat-pack furniture range that 2. (purchase) ___________________ from the South London branch 3. (return)______________________ because of unsatisfactory performance.
Complaints have included lack of all necessary connecting screws and bolts and damaged wooden panels. An investigation of the origin of the complaints 4. (undertake)___________________, but this issue 5. (must take) ______________________ seriously by all staff. One flat-pack wardrobe collapsed in a child’s bedroom, and a tragedy could 6. (occur)_______________________. Is it a Problem of management and supervision, or are the packing machines at fault? Does this coincide with the arrival of the new manager who 7. (appoint) __________________________________ three months ago? It is his responsibility to make sure that all machinery 8. (serviced)_______________________ regularly. A full report 9. (expect)_______________________ at the next meeting scheduled a week on Monday where we hope the answers will be forthcoming.

My solution:
It has been brought to our attention that a number of items from the flat-pack furniture range that have been purchased from the South London branch have been returned because of unsatisfactory performance.
Complaints have included lack of all necessary connecting screws and bolts and damaged wooden panels. An investigation of the origin of the complaints will be undertaken, but this issue must be taken seriously by all staff. One flat-pack wardrobe collapsed in a child’s bedroom, and a tragedy could have occurred . Is it a Problem of management and supervision, or are the packing machines at fault? Does this coincide with the arrival of the new manager who had been appointed three months ago? It is his responsibility to make sure that all machinery is being serviced regularly. A full report will be expected at the next meeting scheduled a week on Monday where we hope the answers will be forthcoming.
nie podoba mi sie pres perf w 2 i 3 - drugie nastapilo po pierwszym, wobec czego pierwsze nie jest takie recent/current. Dalbym simple past w 2
7 niepotrzebnie past perfect. Past perfect zawsze wskazuje, ze ta czynnosc byla wczesniejsza niz inna w simple past.
8 regularly nie pasuje do czasu continuous
9 dopiero wtedy zaczna oczekiwac na raport? Nie. Juz teraz oczekuje sie, ze raport powstanie.
To z kolei kaze sadzic, ze Future w 4 nie jest prawidlowy.
Mg, możesz mi pomóc? Nie mogę sobie z tym dać rady.
juz pomoglem
Poprawiłem, możesz rzucić okiem?
It has been brought to our attention that a number of items from the flat-pack furniture range that were purchased from the South London branch have been returned because of unsatisfactory performance.

Complaints have included lack of all necessary connecting screws and bolts and damaged wooden panels. An investigation of the origin of the complaints will be undertaken, but this issue must be taken(tu nie powinno być „must have taken”?) seriously by all staff. One flat-pack wardrobe collapsed in a child’s bedroom, and a tragedy could have occurred . Is it a Problem of management and supervision, or are the packing machines at fault? Does this coincide with the arrival of the new manager who was appointed three months ago? It is his responsibility to make sure that all machinery is serviced regularly.

A full report is being expected at the next meeting scheduled a week on Monday where we hope the answers will be forthcoming.
Co proponujesz do 4?
zastanow sie nad 4
9 ma byc w simple present
mg, a w punkcie 5?
A 4:
An investigation of the origin of the complaints has undertaken[...]
nie, ma być:
postępowanie zostało wszczęte
must have taken = musial wziąć
It has been brought to our attention that a number of items from the flat-pack furniture range that was czy were purchased from the South London branch have been returned because of unsatisfactory performance.

Complaints have included lack of all necessary connecting screws and bolts and damaged wooden panels. An investigation of the origin of the complaints was undertaken, but this issue must be taken seriously by all staff. One flat-pack wardrobe collapsed in a child’s bedroom, and a tragedy could have occurred . Is it a Problem of management and supervision, or are the packing machines at fault? Does this coincide with the arrival of the new manager who was appointed three months ago? It is his responsibility to make sure that all machinery is serviced regularly.

A full report is expected at the next meeting scheduled a week on Monday where we hope the answers will be forthcoming.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia