Sprawdzenie poprawności dowcipów

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Przetłumaczyłem kilka dowcipów politycznych dla Amerykanów i mam w związku z tym prośbę o sprawdzenie ich poprawności (nie politycznej tylko językowej).

What’s the difference between God and Donald Trump
God doesn’t think he’s Donald Trump

Putin has a meeting with children from school. Teachers are assured, because such a distinction from the President, Putin himself pleased, because now everything goes well. However, Sasha has 3 questions to the president
- Mr. President, everything is good, but I have three questions for you.
Putin, as befits a president, allows him to speak and at the same time promises that he will answer everyone.
- The first question, why did you take Crimea?
The second question, why do you send our soldiers to Ukraine?
The third question, who killed Nemtsov?
Putin is ready to answer, he opens his mouth, but unfortunately, the bell rang. The students left for a break, and after the break, Pieta has five questions for Mr. President.
- Why did you take the Crimea?
- Why do you send our soldiers to Ukraine?
- Who killed Nemtsov?
- Why did the bell ring 20 minutes earlier?
- Where is Sasha?

At a George Bush press conference.
"Do you have any evidence that Iraq possesses weapons of mass destruction?
Bush responds:
- Of course. The Department of State has all the invoices.

I almost came terrifyingly close to death. I wrote on the wall "Negroes are illiterate", and a moment later a group of black people approached me. If they could read, they would kill me.

A Republican and a Democratic man had a car accident. Of course, whose wine was quarreled by half an hour. Democratic couldn't stand it and says:
- OK brother, let's not argue, my fault
Republican confused:
- It's not mine at all rather ...
- We are both guilty. No big thing. Truce?
And he pulls out his flask of whiskey, giving him.
Republican drinks next give Democratic, who puts it in his pocket.
Republican asks:
- Don't you drink?
- No, I'm waiting for the police.

In USA, 55% of people go to elections.
When again you will not want to go to the vote, remember that in the Gambia turnout is 65%, and 60% of residents are illiterate.

The average salary in Russia increased in 2015 from 11,000 rubles to 12,500 rubles, to wit from 250 euros to 160 euros.

What doesn't Trump like at matches?
- Mexican wave!

A politician sitting in a restaurant noticed another attractive young woman sitting behind another table, so he decided to approach her:
- Hey. My name is John, I am 40 years old, I'm a politician and I am an honest man.
- Hi honey. My name is Sarah, I'm 35 years old, I'm involved in prostitution and I'm still a virgin.

Why isn't Barack Obama joking about himself?
- Because it would be racism.

What positive can you say about pedophiles?
They slow down when driving a car and passing by a school.

Dziękuje za pomoc
What’s the difference between God and Donald Trump
God doesn’t think he’s Donald Trump
to nie jest ani nowe ani śmieszne. Od dawna tak mówią odnośnie innych celebrities.
'questions to ask someone' lub 'questions for someone'
They slow down when driving a car and passing by a school. można ominąć
edytowany przez Aaric: 09 lip 2018


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