My story 5

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Witajcie, to znowu ja. Poprosze o sprawdzenie i poprawki w tym oto tekście :). Bardzo chętnie przyjmę też uwagi co do przecinków lub cytowania czyichś słów. Pozdrawiam !

Nowe słowa: (jacket, jumper,join, just, keep, latest, kind, left, to leave, feedback,empower, stuck,towards, interdependent, increasingly,left, keep.)

Hello ! Today I want to describe my ( current ? nie wiem czy można użyć tego słowa w kontekście- " dzisiejszy ")
at work. It's evening now, but I am still very mad with my work colleague. Her name is Malgorzata. She's about forty-five years old. She is a new employee in our firm. After a few days I noticed that she's a person with many problems and complexes. She usually wears a long, colorful jumper. Sometimes I see her dressed in an old, unfashionable jacket. Mrs. Gosia often speaks and thinks bad about herself. Many times she's afraid of someone's aspersion and thinks that people in my work constantly talking about her. It seems to me that such behavior is evidence of mental problems. I remember the moment when I asked her about her private life. I expected to get some informations that could be helpful in diagnosing the problem. All of a sudden she started shouting at me. I just wanted to get feedback and empower her psyche. I realized quickly that she is stuck in her mental disorders for many years. Nevertheless, I was trying to be kind for her. I encouraged her to joing the therapeutic group. In response, I heard some unpleasant words towards me.After that she said: " I just don't want to be interdependent of any therapist". Her behavior was irritating me increasingly. Eventually I told her about the latest research that we live in on increasingly interdependent world and she shouldn't be shy. Then she turned left and lef me alone. After that happening I sent her a text message :" If you want to keep these problems for yourself, it's your choice". I decided,however, that I will keep on trying to help her.
All of a sudden she started shouting at me.

I don't blame her:). It's none of your business ;)

W tych zdaniach trzeba cos poprawic

and thinks that people in my work constantly talking about her.
that she is stuck in her mental disorders for many years.
to be kind for her
I just don't want to be interdependent of any therapist".
Then she turned left and lef me alone
1. and she thinks that people in my work constantly talk about her ?
2. that she is stuck ( utnęła ) in her mental disorders FOR MANY YEARS NOW ? be kind to her ?
5.I just don't want to be interdependent with any therapist ?
6. Then she turned left and LEFT me alone ?
2 czas
5. dlaczego interdependent? co to ma znaczyc?
6. dlaczego skrecila w lewo a nie np.w prawo? ;)) co chcesz powiedziec?
1. moze byc Continuous ale zrob go poprawnie
aspersion jest używane w b.formalnych tekstach i najczęściej występuje w Ja bym w ogóle tutaj nie użył.
thinks that people in my work constantly np 'at work'
get some informations?
edytowany przez Aaric: 02 lis 2018
I encouraged her to joing the therapYeutic group
I just don't want to be interdependent with any therapist ? I concur. Sounds illogical.
edytowany przez Aaric: 02 lis 2018
2. She stuck in her mental disorders
1. She thinks that people at work are constantly talking about her.
*get some informations- get występuje tu w kontekście " otrzymać, uzyskać " Starałem się uzyskać jakieś informacje
*interdependent- współzależny. Prawdopodobnie użyłem tego słowa w złym kontekście. Chodziło mi o niechęć tej osoby do terapeuty, z obawy przed byciem od niego zależnym. Jeżeli nadal jest bez sensu, to można prosić o podobny przykład, ale poprawny ?
*zamiast aspersion- slander
She turned her back and ran out the door to the left of the room ? W sensie, że obóciła się plecami i wybiegła drzwiami po lewej stronie sali, może być ?
She stuck in her mental disorders
she is stuck, ale mental disorders to bardzo mocne okreslenie , raczej uzyc I think that she has some issues with her self esteem
she doesn't want to depend on a therapist
ja bym powiedziala she just walked away from me
edytowany przez [konto usunięte]: 02 lis 2018
Ja bym powiedział 'walked out of / left the room' ten kontekst nie wymaga którymi drzwiami wyszła.
Trzeba uzyc "leave" i "stuck" , sorry:)

to moze tak (z mojej strony):

I think that she has some issues with her self esteem and she seems to be stuck on them

she just walked away from me and left the room

"information" doesn't take plural form
edytowany przez [konto usunięte]: 02 lis 2018
I am still very mad with my work colleague. imo, 'mad at' 'angry with'.
'colleague' alone implies 'work colleague', 'work' is redundant.
Super ! Bardzo dziękuję, ostatnia rzecz jeszcze. Co do tego get, jak to się ma, że informacja nie przyjmuje liczby mnogiej ? Jaki dokładnie popelniłem tam błąd ? I czy zamiast tego może być - " I expected that I would receive some informations " ?
Nie doczytałeś się że nie może być informations?
in my work at work
It seems to me that such behavior is evidence of mental problems. co Ty jestes jakis forensic psychiatrist?;)))
moze raczej It seems to me that such behavior may be a result of some emotional problems
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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