My story 6

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witajcie, oto moja kolejna historia. Dziś totalnie nie miałem weny, prosze się nie śmiać... Proszę też o zwracanie uwagi, jeżeli źle gdzieś wstawiam przecinki jeżeli to możliwe :) Słowa których miałem użyć : know, large, last, laugh, lend, level, less, licence, lie down .

Good afternoon. Today I want to tell you something about my new friend from work. He's name is Rafał and he's twenty-five years old. I know him for a month. He's one meter eighty-one tall. He's a very slim person. He has a small beard and mustache. His hair is brushed aside ? ( chciałem napisać, że jego włosy są zaczesane na bok ). For several weeks, he's been meeting with our new employee- Paulina.
Actually this is all I know about him. I saw his house once, it's very large. As far as I know, there is a large library near his house. I don't like him and he seems to know it. He laughs at just about anything. Sometimes he laughed at me. His sense of humour is a major issue ( czy issue może być tu użyte jako kwestia, a nie problem ? ) for me. It increasingly annoys me. The level of his jokes is very low. He used to tell dirty jokes. One time I asked him :
-Could you tell less jokes like that ?
In response, I heard :
-Why don't you laugh ? Isn't it funny for you ? Don't you get it or what ?
I answered : I do, but I don't want to stoop to your level.
In other ( w innej ) situation, he talked about his new girlfriend.
She moved in to his house. I asked him :
-Excuse me, how well do you know her ?
He answered that he doesn't need a permission to live with her, in particular my. ( mojego w szczególności, może tak być ?)
He said that he can lie down on the sofa with her and sleep together if he wants.
I expected a less direct answer. Last Monday he asked me to lend him my driver's licence when he was drunk.
Nevertheless, I still believe that he can make a progress in his life. He was in the hospital recently.
The doctor ordered ( nakazał ) him to lie down on his stomach. It was really painfull for him. It turned out that he has liver problems. He was allowed to drink alcohol, although ( aczkolwiek ) in small doses.
He's name is Rafał and...
I know him for a month. tense
His hair is brushed aside ? combed to ... np the right/left/side
For several weeks, he's been meeting with our new employee- Paulina. w jakim znaczeniu meeting with? Jeżeli randkuje to inaczej. np seeing with
Sometimes he laughed at me.
He used to tell dirty jokes. dlaczego tak?
Could you tell less jokes like that ?
He answered that he doesn't need a permission to live with her, in particular my. ( mojego w szczególności, może tak być ?) ja by użył 'approval'
Last Monday he asked me to lend him my driver's licence when he was drunk. Ja bym ujął, Last Monday był pijany i ....
Dzięki Aaric !
1 His name is Rafał
2 I have known him for a month
3 His hair is comed to the right side
4 Tak, randkowania
5 Sometimes he laughs at me
6 Many times he tells dorty jokes.

Czy w dalszej części tekstu widzisz jakieś błędy ? Czekam i pozdrawiam !
His hair is comed to the right side ... Jeżeli dasz the right/left, side możesz zgubić.
Many times he tells dorty jokes.
in particular my blad
1 Could you tell less number of jokes like that ? ( mniejszą liczbę żartów jak ten ? )
2 He does not need approval, in particular from me. Moze byc ?
jokes - policzalne, wiec nie moze byc 'less', tylko cos innego. usun 'number'

mojego w szczegolnosci - 'mojego' bez rzeczownika obok = mine
'from me' tez moze bytc tutaj
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia


Pytania dotyczące języka angielskiego