Open cloze

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Hi! Piszę tu dzis poniewaz nie jestem pewien swoich odpowiedzi w zadaniu typu open cloze:
The two daring men, however, were well
prepared and, 3.___although___ they assumed they would have hardships, they saw clearly the
acclaim and fortune which would await them as celebrities 4.___when___ they reached the
shores of Le Havre, France
They rowed for 18 hours 7.___every___ day, breaking only to sleep and eat. At this
rate they travelled 54 miles daily.
After 56 days of hard labour at sea, the two men reached England's coast
9.___on___ August 1, 1896. As there were no waiting crowds to greet them, however, nor
any fame 10.___or___ fortune to come, they had to be content with just having done it.
Z góry dzięki za odpowiedź :)
wydaje sie ok
4 słówko na 'o'
tak, tak bedzie lepiej
Bardziej myslalem ze moze if w tym czwartym jesli juz heh
Ze o 'once' chodzi??
tak, once
A w takim razie te sa dobrze?

It was 1894 when two seamen, George Samuelson and Frank Harbo, decided to
1. take a cross-Atlantic voyage in a rowboat. After two years of practising their longdistance rowing skills, they were ready to embark from the New York Harbour.
Five weeks 8. later and at this point they decided to alter their direction for England, which would be closer.
1 oni sami realizowali te podroz, to byla ich ciezka praca, wiec nie take
2. tam ma byc czasownik, inaczej 'and' nie ma sensu
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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