Proszę o sprawdzenie. I co myślicie o moim wypracowaniu? Myślicie że za bardzo skupiłem się za na plusach? Z drugiej strony wypracowanie nie moze być za długie, więc skupiłem się na najważniejszych argumentach.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of being famous – 120-180 words organized in four paragraphs.Introductin, adv., disadv. , and conclusion.
In today’s world a lot of people are looking for fame. They want to be famous actors, singers or celebrities. Others are interested in famous people and want to be like them, imitate their fashion and lifestyle. They buy gossip magazines and dream of being like them.
The main advantage of being famous is that it gives you wealth, and entails easy life amidst prime goods, such as expensive sports cars, large mansions with almost parks in it. All this wealth makes you an attractive male for beautiful women who seek their fortune, safety and easy life. Another advantage is that it makes you part of the cream of society, a celebrity and maybe a face on a front page in a famous journal. You are famous and celebrity assembly will conclude with dinners and meetings. Getting to know other famous ones, maybe famous plastic surgeons, eager to make you even more attractive.
However, there are some minor disadvantages too. Any gossips and scandals around you won’t blow over right away. Once you are vilified in the tabloids paparazzi won’t let it go. They will pray on you seeking news.
In conclusion, there are more benefits. People chase money and fame gives it to them.
edytowany przez calf: 04 mar 2019