The Christian tradition argues that Eve was the first woman on earth and (tutaj wg mnie brakuje 'was') Adam's wife. She was made 'of' (nie, tutaj 'from') his rib.
'It' (ja dalabuym 'this') would suggest that Eve was not the first, that before her God (tu brakuje 'had') created a woman in the same way as a man and (tu brakuje 'as') his equal. 'It' (o ludziach/postaciach piszesz 'it'- tutaj 'this') was supposed to be Lilith.
Hera killed her children 'with' (cos mi to slowo nie pasuje- moze 'because of') envy and sent madness to Lamia herself. From that moment (ja dalabym tutaj ''on') Lamia became a demon hunting other children.
Empuza had polymorphic abilities, 'it' (ale tutaj mowisz o 'abilities' l. mnoga, so slowo jest 'they') could take the form of a bitch, cow or a beautiful woman. Mentions 'about' (ja wole 'of') her appear among others in Aristophanes in the conversation 'of' (czy tutaj nie 'between'?) Dionysus and Xanthos.