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Hi Jack,
I’m on a one-year scholarship in Scotland. I have recently rented a flat.
Before the trip I wrote an email to my friend, who has family there, to ask him for help to find a flat and he found me a furnished flat, which belongs to his cousin.
I have taken it no much thinking. My English is poor and I would have the problem to rent on my own and because he is my friend's cousin I pay only half the price. It's the best.
Unfortunately, I have a little problem. The last weekend was hot, so I opened a window. Suddenly the window closed with a crash and the glass was broke.
I'm worried about how I will tell the homeowner. She may be angry with me. Could you give me advice about finding a solution to this situation?
Before the trip I wrote an email to my friend, who has family there, to ask him for help (tutaj mozna dodac 'in order') to find a flat and he found me a furnished flat, which belongs to his cousin.
I have taken it 'no' (nie, to jest zle, tutaj 'without) much thinking. My English is poor and I would have 'the' (wg mnie 'a') problem to rent (dodalabym 'something') on my own and because he is my friend's cousin I pay only half the 'price' (lepiej 'rent).
Suddenly the window closed with a crash and the glass 'was' (niepotr) broke.
Could you give me advice about finding a solution to this situation?
Hi Jack,
I’m on a one-year scholarship in Scotland. I have recently rented a flat.
Before the trip I wrote an email to my friend, who has family there, to ask him for help in order to find a flat and he found me a furnished flat, which belongs to his cousin.
I have taken it without much thinking. My English is poor and I would have a problem to rent something on my own and because he is my friend's cousin I pay only half the rent. It's the best.
Unfortunately, I have a little problem. The last weekend was hot, so I opened a window. Suddenly the window closed with a crash and the glass broke.
I'm worried about how I will tell the homeowner. She may be angry with me. Could you give me advice about finding a solution to this situation?
Dziękuję za sprawdzenie.
Could you give me advice about finding a solution? - czy tak lepiej?
To 'in order' wcale mi się nie podoba.
who has family there WHERE?
np problem finding
I pay only half the rent... hmm, ja bym gdzieś indziej dał
It's the best. np It's a good deal.
I’m on a one-year scholarship in Scotland. I have recently rented a flat.
Before the trip I wrote an email to my friend, who has family in Scotland, to ask him for help to find a flat and he found me a furnished flat, which belongs to his cousin.
I have taken it without much thinking. My English is poor and I would have a problem finding something on my own and because he is my friend's cousin I pay half the rent only. It's a good deal.
Unfortunately, I have a little problem. The last weekend was hot, so I opened a window. Suddenly the window closed with a crash and the glass broke.
I'm worried about how I will tell the homeowner. She may be angry with me. Could you give me advice about finding a solution to this situation?
Dziękuję. Chyba teraz już ładnie?
lub 'here'
I only
Zdanie I'm worried coś mi nie gra ale może niech ktoś inny spojrzy.
I'm worried...(mozna napisac to) how
A jakby tak:
'I'm afraid of how I will tell the homeowner.'
Było by sensownie i ładnie?
Hi Jack,
I’m on a one-year scholarship in Scotland. I have recently rented a flat.
Before the trip I wrote an email to my friend, who has a family here, to ask him for help to find a flat and he found me a furnished flat, which belongs to his cousin.
I have taken it without much thinking. My English is poor and I would have a problem finding something on my own and because he is my friend's cousin I only pay half the rent. It's a good deal.
Unfortunately, I have a little problem. The last weekend was hot, so I opened a window. Suddenly the window closed with a crash and the glass broke.
I'm afraid of how I will tell the homeowner. She may be angry with me. Could you give me advice about finding a solution to this situation?
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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