Proszę o sprawdzenie;)

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Aneta is a orginal and untypical person. In our surroundings she is treated like rucles but I think that's why that people are untolerant. I met Aneta two years ago when she moved on my street.
Aneta is slim and average height. She has got long black hair and blue pircing eyes. Her face is adorned with freckles and grin. Ahe wears mysterious and ark clothes. She enjoys attract attention on herself by attire.
She is reserved and wary consequently she does'nt trust people. She is self-confident and indyvidualistic so she doesn't care what people think about her. She is rebellious and she takes part in street demonstrations. Aneta is direct so she always says what she think. She is adventourous and she like challenges. She is interested in music, every Saturday she sits near the lake and plays on the quitar all the night. She is fond of books and sometimes she doesn't sleep because she can't falter reading. She goes to school only for selected lessons because in her opinion learning every subjects is waste of time. She hasn't got any friends because she doesn't trust anybody even herself. She enjoys dream gaze in stars and imagine future. She also writes poems which include her insight and suspicions.
Personally I can't say anything bad about her contrary I admire her becaause of her individuality and self-confidence. For me she is pleasant, intresting person and respect her.
