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Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Mam taką prackę do napisania, napisałem ale chciałbym aby mi ją ktoś poprawił, bo nie czuję sie za dobrze z angielskiego. Temat: “Should money be spent on spece research or should the money be spent on projects on Earth”

Praca: Astronomy is the most prosper science. All time, we want to discover something new. Scientist are working for many years to find new planet or galaxy. I thint it isn’t going to better world.
Ever research cost too many milion dollars. On Earth we can use this money to make something useful. Rich people should pay part of they money to help hauseless and children. African natives are hunger, we can help, but people want to discover something on spece.
If we find new planet, it isn’t useful for people. Spacemans flight to space for only recreation. One trip cost about 20 milion dollars. Eccentrics want pay this money for glory and tribute. If they aren’t want to pay some percents of this money for needy people, they should give some for Earth projects. That are more useful for common humans.
A lot of organizations raise money for poor and ill patients. With cash we can discover vaccines or chemicals for some incurable sickness. Maybe some inventions will be more useful for people. Scientists should use money for make more safe and comfort life. We must take time, becouse we life is too short.
I think that money should spent on projects on Earth, becouse it’s more useful for all people.
Praca: Astronomy is the most THRIVING science. All THE time, we want to discover something new. ScientistS HAVE BENN WORKING many years to find A new planet or A galaxy. I thint it WON'T LEAD US to THE better world.
EACH research costS many milionS dollars. We can use this money to make something useful on THE Earth . Rich people should pay part of thIS money to help THE HOMELESS and THE POOR children AS WELL AS THE hungRY AFRICANS. We can help, but people PREFER TO discover something IN spAce.
If we find A new planet, it isn't useful for people. SpacemEN flY INto space for recreation ONLY. One trip costS about 20 milion dollars. Eccentrics want TO pay this money for glory and ESTEEM (RECOGNITION), SO if they DON'T want to pay A PART OF THEIR money for people IN NEED, they should give AT LEAST some for Earth projects. ThIS IS more useful for ORIDINARY PEOPLE.
A lot of organizations raise money for THE poor and ill patients. With THE AID OF cash we can discover vaccines or DRUGS for some incurable DESAESES. Maybe some inventions will be more useful for people. Scientists should use money TO make OUR LIVES safeR and MORE comforTABLE. We must take time (nie spieszyc się? - chyba na odwrót jak sugeruje druga częśc zdania WE NEED TO HURRY UP), becAuse OUR EARTHLY life is too short.
I think that money should BE spent on projects on Earth, becAuse it's more useful for all people.

Pomysl nad synonimami do wyrazu "useful", zbyt czesto sie ono powtarza. Poglądy powinny tez byc nieco jaśniejsze.
BEEN (nie benn)
Mozna powiedziec np. "critically ill patients", ale "ill patients" to jakby "chorzy chorzy". Lepiej "money for the poor and the sick" (co brzmi mniej archaicznie niz "the ill"). Poza tym ortografia: millions, diseases, ordinary.
A poglady to albo sie umie jasno przedstawic, albo nie - czy we wlasnym jezyku, czy w obcym :-)


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