Sprawdzenie reklamacji ;)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Napisałam list formalny - reklamację.
Proszę o sprawdzenie porpawności, ponieważ nie jestem pewna czy dobrze napisałam ..

Dear Sir,
Thank you for you letter that you send me of 15 February. In the letter you assured me that 30 Intelligent Pens I had ordered for my class would be despatched within a fortnight.
The parcel was delivered on time, but when I took content out of the box, I was not pleased to find that only 15 pens have arrived.
I have tried on numerous occasions to phone your company, but nobody have picked up the reveiver, so I left a message on aswering machine.
I would be grateful if you could look into matter for me. If you no longer have the Intelligent Pen in stock, please return the cheque I send.
If you need to contact me urgently, I can be reached by email [email]
Thank you in advance for your help.
Yours faithfully,
Proszę ..
POprawie, ale prosze, daj nam choc pol godz - nie wszyscy siedza tutaj 24/7.

Thank you for youR letter 'that you send me' (to chyba niepotrz) of 15th February.
...but when I took THE content out of the box, I was 'not pleased' (mozna tez very disappointed to find) to find that only 15 pens haD arrived.
I have tried on numerous occasions to TELEphone your company, but 'nobody' NO ONE pickED up the reCeiver, so I HAVE left 'a' (tutaj mozna numerous messages) message on THE aNSWering machine.
...stock, please return the cheque I senT YOU.
o matko jakie głupkowate błędy porobiłam pisząc na komputerze :PP

dziekuje serdecznie - jestem strasznie wdzięczna i szczęsliwa :) !
Pierwszy raz napisałam na forum, a tu tak szybko odpowiedź !
Dziekuje jeszcze raz z całego serducha ! :*


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


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