list oficjalny.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Mogłby mi ktoś zrobić z tego list oficjalny, bo nie wiem jak sie go pisze i w ogole czym sie rozni od zwykłego ;/ a napewno nie tak :) pozdro!

Dear Sir,
I am writing to give my opinion about the idea of closing the film disscussion club at our university as a member of this club.
The club has been playing very important role in developing the interests of students. It is long-standing tradion influenced on many generations which went to this university. Students could debate about films.The film discuss club should not be closed because it is still necessary for our student community: we do need a place to develop ourselves by giving thought and improving speaking skills. What is more, its tradition makes our university a special one because of its unique possibilities for students.
I would like to encourage other readers of the newspaper to give their opinions. I hope the club will not be closed.

Yours faithfully,
bardzo prosze oczywiście :)
I am writing (as a member of the film discussion club) to 'give' (lepsze slowo to express) my opinion 'about' (lepsze slowo regarding) the idea of closing the club at our university.
The club has 'been playing' (played) A very important role in developing the
interests of students. 'It' (The club) is A long-standing tradiTon influenced BY many generations (of alumni?) 'which' (jak o ludziach to 'who) 'went' (lepsze slowo to attended) this university. Students could debate (the finer point of film-making) about films. The film discussION club should not be closed because it is still necessary for our student community: we do need a place to develop ourselves by 'giving'? thought and improving OUR speaking skills.

List jest ok.
kurcze nie wiem czy dobrze poprawilem...

o tak???

I am writing as a member of the film discussion club to express my opinion regarding the idea of closing the club at our university.
The club has played a very important role in developing the interests of students. The club is a long-standing traditon influenced by many generations who attended to this university. Students could debate about films.The film discuss club should not be closed because it is still necessary for our student community: we do need a place to develop ourselves by giving thought and improving our speaking skills. What is more, its tradition makes our university a special one because of its unique possibilities for students.
I would like to encourage other readers of the newspaper to give their opinions. I hope the club will not be closed.
generations who attended to this university - mozna generations of alumni.
The film discussION club should...


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