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In this work I show you the After-dark curfews is bad idea, on the other side is good idea
My first argumnet is the after dark curfews is bad idea becous teenangers will not obey this rule, they like walk on the streets drink beer, painting on the walls.
Second argument is the Government must employ more policemen.You must pay big taxes.This idea is very oppressive for you. You can’t issue money on you, you must take big taxes! Court had work more. You must pay big taxes too because goverment must pay judges big cash.
On the other side mabye criminals wanish from the streets. Our city will clin form the dirty gangs.No paiting on the walls. No vandalism. Our city will utopia for us.
The society will be safe. An argument is a safe the children. They are exposed to drugs alkohol, beating and extortions on the streets. Next.... the criminals will not robbery shops on the evening. More policmen on streets- maximum safe.Of course we will not escape from criminals but we can do Everything we can do ( chodzi o to ze mozemy zrobić wszytsko co sie da) This work dosen’t show exactly we must choose but, it informs us certain things

z góry thx;)


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