Proszę o sprawdzenie i ewentualnie poprawę :)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Hi Tom

- My holidays have just ended. Today was my first day at school. It was not very nice. I wish I were far away from this place. But, unfortunately, I live here.

- The past year at school was surely one of best in my life. The average of my marks rose to 4, 28/6 of which I was as proud as Lucifer. Besides I succeeded, with my buddy, to win the competition "My city fifty years ago and today", where the main award was a two-day excursion to Brussels.

So, at the beginning of July, together with Bartek, I went to Brussels. The first day we toured the city on foot, and in the evening we had supper in the restaurant 'Chez Leon'. The next day we visited the European Parliament, and then we toured Brussels by bus and on foot. Brussels is a beautiful city, there are many beautiful sculptures and buildings there. The special attention deserves the European Parliament, from outside coated with glass, what looks very artlike.

- The remaining holiday time I spent mostly at home. I also were in the cottage over the lake for two weeks. I had a good time there sunbathing, swimming and going to the disco.

- Unfortunately now I have to start working really hard. I am passing my matura exam soon. I decided on history, current affairs and English language. I hope that I will do well enough to pass the exam on law studies.

Best regards,
Today was my first day (mozna dopisac 'back') at school.

The past year at school was surely one of best in my life. The
average of my marks rose to 4, '28/6' (tego nie rozumiem) of which ..

So, at the beginning of July, together with (ja bym tutaj dodala, my buddy)Bartek,
'The' (niepotrz) Special attention (ja bym dodala - 'however'), deserves the European Parliament, 'from outside coated with glass' (which is coated with glass from the outside), 'what' WHICH (ja bym tutaj the impression of being very ..)artlike.

I also were (nie, 'I was', ale 'you were' - tutaj 'I was' also) in the cottage 'over the lake' (mozna 'by the lakeside') for two weeks.
I 'am passing' (lepiej 'intend passing') my matura exam soon.
..enough to pass the exam 'on' FOR law studies.
> average of my marks rose to 4, '28/6' (tego nie rozumiem) of which ..

chodzi o to ze srednia ocen wyniosła 4,28 . Dla polaka to jasne, ale dla anglika (ten list ma byc do "kolegi z anglii") samo 4,28 moze byc zle odebrane, bo oni maja tam (chyba) inny system oceniania, tzn. A, B, C, D, E, F dlatego napisalem 4,28/6 (4,26 na 6 maksymalnie) :)

Dziękuje bardzo za poprawki :)
..teraz rozumiem - ale lepiej w tym liscie uznac, ze 'na B'