prosze o sprawdzenie :)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.

high, bad, tall, fast, important, good, difficult, far

However, I'm higher than Gina. She is besser than everybody else in the class. She can run faster and jump higher and farer. One thing Gina's not good at is Chemistry. She finds it worse than any other subject. She thinks it's difficulter than Physics or Maths. She says it's importanter to be good at sport because she wants to be Games teacher one day.
'besser' to po niemiecku, nie po angielsku
nie ma slowa 'farer' (wyjatek)
chemistry, physics, maths małą literą
nie ma słowa 'difficulter', 'importanter' (ile sylab?)
games teacher małą literą


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia