czy ktoś mógłby sprawdzić mi błędy ?

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.

Nowadays, crime become a huge problem, because number of criminals it’s still growing up and nothing can stop this.
In courts there are varied trials which are connected with every crime we can only imagine. In court we can meet murderers, rapists, vandals, thieves, terrorists, smugglers, shoplifters and the others. Usually when someone commit a crime and the Police catch him, he is sent to the prison, where he is waiting for the trial and then he can be asked to appear before the court. It depends on crime, that criminal committed. He can be asked to pay a fine or get for example 10 years imprisonment. In murders with particular cruelty, the judge usually announce life sentence. In some countries capital punishment is also possible.
In some cases criminals can be found not guilty or be accused of something which they didn’t do, there are a lot of stories that some criminals spent a lot of years in a prison, but they didn’t commit a crime. One of the beautiful movies about that case is The Shawshank redemption, which really impressed me.


The media are very important in every country. They are essential in spreading the news to people. There are varied subjects which every magazine or the Tv focus on. Because of it we have magazines about politics, famous people, sport, music, movies and the others. We have also huge number of Tvs.
What media we have in Poland? We have magazines which are creating social opinion : Gazeta wyborcza, Rzeczpospolita, we have tabloids : Fakt, Superexpress, we can also read about economic issues in Puls Biznesu, when we want to buy something or rent a house we can find some adverts in Autogiełda, in some cities we can get a magazine for free, in Poznań Echo miasta or Metro. Some magazines we can buy weekly or monthly, and also we have a few quarterlies (Ruch filozoficzny) and annuals (Archeologia Polonia).
The Polish Tv is divided to the several canals, TVP 1, 2 , Polsat and TVN.
A lot of people believe in everything which they can heard and see on the screen , and they try to be like people there. The media are creating fashion trends and social manner. In our country the problem of the media is very strange, I can always hear and read about another, funny situations with which our politics come up. That’s why I watch TV really rarely.


Everybody knows that our environment’s condition influence our health. Nevertheless not everyone think about it every day. We don’t pay attention to our behavior which can extremely destruct the environment.
We pollute the ground, throwing away rubbish, pollute water when factories discharge sewage into the rivers. The fresh air is still polluting by fumes bringing out from cars. There is still the problem of trees which are cutting down. What is more, people are polluting vegetables and fruits by fertilizers, what is really unhealthy.
In Poland there are a lot of parties which want to protect our environment.
They are creating varied projects, which aim is to persuade people how important is our attitude to environment, they created ecologic education for the youngest. Besides there are several National Parks, where we can see endangered animal species. There are a lot of natural statements, for example the very old trees, which are protected.
In my opinion green issues are very important. Therefore, I hope there will be an effect of their actions, because after all the world is our home.


The world is full of strange situations, every day we can hear about miracles, wonderful curing, or that someone was kidnapped by ufo.
First of all we are only a human and we have special abilities which help us to survive. Nevertheless some people get abilities which can be shocking. I’ve recently read about girl who can see through people, she sees our organs like heart, lungs and the others. Another girl can make some things to move by her mind. What is more and I think very important that in our world there are a lot of healers. I believe in healers because there are so many evidences. They are necessary, sometimes they are only one hope for ill people.
On the other hand I don’t believe in clairvoyants. I think nobody can predict the future. In my opinion everyone has its own destination, and we can only guess what can happen. A lot of people of course believe clairvoyants and pay them a lot of many for predictions. I think it’s really stupid, but for example I read sometimes horoscopes, because I find it really funny.
Nowadays, crime (tu cos brakuje) become a huge problem, because A number of
criminals 'it's' (nie - to co napisales to IT IS-popraw) still growing 'up' (niepotr) and nothing can stop this.
In courts there are varied trials which are connected with every crime we can only 'imagine' (troche rozszerz to slowo). In court we can meet murderers,
rapists, vandals, thieves, terrorists, smugglers, shoplifters and 'the
others' (np kogo?). Usually when someone commitS (dlatego, ze 'someone to jest 'he' a 'he' to 3os.l.poj) a crime and the Police catch him,
he is sent to 'the' (niepotr) prison, where he 'is' (niepotr) AwaitS 'for the' (niepotr) A trial and then he can be asked to appear before the court. It depends on THE crime, that THE criminal HAS committed.
In murders with particular cruelty, the judge usually announce (judge tutaj to 3os.l.poj - popraw) life sentence.
In some cases criminals can be found not guilty or be accused of something which they didn't do. There are a lot of stories that some criminals spent a lot of years in a prison, but they didn't commit 'a' THE crime. One of the beautiful movies about 'that' SUCH case is The Shawshank redemption, which really impressed me.

Because of 'it' (lepiej THIS we have magazines about politics, famous people, sport, music, movies and 'the others' (co to z tym - chyba lubisz to uzywac? ale ktos moze sie zapyta - jakie others?). We have also A huge number of 'Tvs' (chyba nie to masz na mysli).
What media DO we have in Poland? We have magazines which 'are creating' (simple CREATE social opinion : Gazeta Wyborcza, Rzeczpospolita. We have
tabloids: Fakt, Superexpress. We can also read about economic issues in '' (nie, - for example piszemy 'e.g' Puls Biznesu. When we want to buy something or rent a house we can find some adverts in Autogiełda, in some cities we can get a magazine for free, e.g. in Poznań Echo miasta or Metro.
'The' (niepotr) Polish Tv is divided INto 'the' (niepotr) several 'canals' (nie, nie canals - ale 'channels', TVP 1, 2, Polsat and TVN.
A lot of people believe in everything which they can 'heard' HEAR and see on
the screen, and they try to be like THE people there. The media 'are
creating' CREATE fashion trends and social manner. In our country the problem
of the media is very strange, I can always hear and read about
another, funny 'situations' (tu l. poj) with which our 'politics' (chyba POLITICIANS HAVE come up. That's why I RARELY watch TV. 'really rarely' (niepotr).
Nevertheless not everyone 'think' (tutaj potrzeba czasow. 3os.l.poj) about it every day. We don't pay ANY attention to our 'behavior' (behaviour-BrE behavior-AmE) which can 'extremely' (nie jestem pewna tego slowa tutaj w tym miejscu) destruct the environment.
We pollute the ground, throwing away rubbish AND pollute THE water when factories discharge sewage into the rivers. The fresh air is still 'polluting' POLLUTED by fumes 'bringing' (nie - uzyj inne slowo - moze emanating) out from cars. There is still the problem of trees which are BEING cuT down. What is more, people are polluting vegetables and fruits by fertilizers, 'what' (nie - to jest kalka z polskiego 'co' - ale tutaj WHICH is really unhealthy.
In Poland there are a lot of 'parties' (political parties?) which want to protect our environment.
They are creating varied projects, which aim is to persuade people 'how important is' (jabym to inaczej...of the importance of) our attitude to THE environment, they creatE ecologic education for the 'youngest' (ale youngest what?). There are a lot of natural 'statements' (chyba nie to slowo), for example the very old trees, which are protected.
Therefore, I hope there will be 'an' SOME effect of their actions, because after all the world is our home.

The world is full of strange situations, every day we can hear about miracles, wonderful 'curing' (nie - tutaj rzeczownik - CURES), or that someone was kidnapped by AN 'ufo' (lepiej w calosci).
First of all we are only 'a' (niepotr) human and we have special abilities which help us to survive. Nevertheless some people 'get' (get czy have?) abilities which can be shocking. I've recently read about A girl who can see through people, she sees our organs like heart, lungs and 'the others' (znowu z tym 'the others' - to dla mnie nic nie znaczy - bo musze sobie zgadywac co masz na mysli). Another girl can make some things 'to' (niepotr) move by her mind. What is more, and I think very important IS that in our world there are a lot of healers. I believe in healers because there 'are so many evidences' (nie, nie tak - there is much evidence to support their work). They are necessary, sometimes they are THE only one hope for 'ill' SICK people.
In my opinion everyone has 'its' (straj sie nie mowic o ludziach jako 'it'- tutaj THEIR) own destination, and we can only guess what can happen. A lot of people of course believe IN clairvoyants and pay them a lot of 'many' (popraw) for THEIR predictions. I think it's really stupid, but for example I 'read sometimes' (zla kol slow - sometimes read) horoscopes, because I find 'it' (it czy them?) really funny.
JEJu, wielkie dzieki!!!!!!poprostu mega pomoc, dzieki ze wogole chcialo Ci się to przeczytać! pozdrawiam serdecznie i jeszcze raz wielkie dzieki.


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