Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
The chain-reaction accident occurred Saturday morning about 8 a.m. on M25. It;s one of the nationals busiest highway, a mojaor route connecting northern and southern England.
48 vehicles were involved in the crash, including four big trucks. An eyewitness said that accident seemed like metal crashing.
The main cause of accident was poor visibility caused by a combination of fog and drizzle. "You an't see your hand in front of your face", said tom Johnson, who was driving on the highway M25 about 7 a.m.
"In such conditions drivers on highways often drive closer together than they should. If one car develops a prolem, those behind it cannot stop in time, hitting it", said accident inspector.
Local media reported at least 10 people had been taken to a nearby hospital.
"I can't believe nobody was killed-cars underneath cars", state police Sgt. Kelly Brown said.
Jak się przepisuje, to wypadałoby przepisać bez błędów.
prosze o sprawdzenie poprawnosci gramatycznej, nie literowek bo jak sie pisze z dzieckiem na kolanie to czasami wychodza glupie rzeczy...
The chain-reaction accident occurred ON Saturday morning about 8 a.m. on
M25. It;s one of the nationS busiest highway, a mAJOR route
connecting northern and southern England.
The main cause of THE accident was poor visibility caused by a combination of fog and drizzle. "You 'an't' (tutaj COULDN'T see your hand in front of
your face", said tom Johnson, who was driving on the highway M25 about
7 a.m.
If one car develops a proBlem, those behind it cannot stop in time, hitting it", said AN accident inspector.
Local media reported THAT at least 10 people had been taken to a nearby
I can't believe THAT nobody was killed-cars underneath cars", state
police Sgt. Kelly Brown said.


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