Prosze o sprawdzenie odpowiedzi do pytan!!!;)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam;) Musze odpowiedziec na 3 pytania,odpowiedzi udzielilam sama,ale nie dokonca,poniewaz robilam je z translatorem i nie wiem czy sa dobrze. Wiem,ze powinnam napisac je samodzielnie,ale niestety moj jezyk angielski jest ubogi:( Bardzo prosze o sprawdzenie oraz o poprawienie bledow;) Bardzo bym sie cieszyla gdyby zostalo to dzisiaj sprawdzone;) Dziekuje bardzo;***
1. My home is my castle.
2.Kinds of school in the best one.
3.The car-good and bad sides.

1.In agree with affiming,because me in him was can feel. Persons in house wait who love me and on which I can calcuate. I have with childhood many remembrances and with persons who in him spended.House is my oasis it where it was can was realx.He exerts negative feelings and positive.I feel in him safe and calm that nothing threatens me.

2.The kinds of schools: the general the education secondary school, secondary school the decorated with mouldings, technical school, the "wielozawodowa"school of, high school, the kindergarden, basic school and the studies. Secondary school is the best school, because we get secondary-school final exam and we further can go on long dreamt of studios and to have higher education. It unlocks then us the larger possibility of finding of well paid work.

3.Good sides:
It was can transport large quantity suitcase,
to make stop when have readiness,
we choose rout alone,
we go when we want and we from who want.
Bad sides:
dear prices of fuel,
fumes dirty air.

Z gory bardzo bardzo dziekuje;)
Po pierwsze wyrzuc tego podlego translatora, on cie tylko do bledow doprowadza. Translatory, jeszcze nie umia myslec za czalowieka - to jest ich uposledzenie.

1.In agree with 'affiming' (tyle, ze agree a affirm to prawie to samo),because me in him was can feel. (nawet nie wiem co chcesz tutaj przekazac)

THE 'Persons' (jak wiecej jak jeden, dwa to PEOPLE) in THE house wait (na kogo)who love me and on 'which' (jak piszemy o ludziach to WHO i WHOM) I can 'calcuate' (calculate -uzywane w matematyce - zle slowo- nakrzyc na tego translatora-) .
I have 'with' (with - to nie zawsze odpowiednik na polskie 'z' - tutaj FROM MY childhood many remembrances 'and' (niepotr) with 'persons' PEOPLE WITH whoM 'in him spended' (nie - po pierwsze niema slowa 'spended' -gdzie taki translator to wymyslil? - zdanie nie jest za bardzo wg ang. gramatyki - ...I have spenT time there.
THE house is my oasis it IS where 'it was can was realx' (nawet nie moge sie domyslic co to jest).
'He' (o jakim mezczyznie tutaj mowisz?) exerts negative AND POSITIVE feelings. 'and positive' (niepotr).
I feel in 'him' (house - czy home to niesa HER albo HIM, to sa IT) safe and calm AND FEEL that nothing threatens me.
To w takim razie zamiast 'calcuate' moze byc "count"?? "In agree with affiming,because me in him was can feel." w tym zdaniu chodzi mi o to,ze zgadzam sie z tym stwierdzeniem,poniewaz w domu moge czuc sie soba. Robie za tlumacza mojego tlumacza:p "House is my oasis it where it was can was realx.", wiec dom jest moja oaza gdzie moge sie zrelaksowac. Nie mam "zywego tlanslatora" to musze poslugiwac sie "sztucznym":( Tych dwoch pozostalych szkoda sprawdzac,bo pewnie jeszcze wiecej bledow:P


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