Zdanka do sprawdzenia

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Unfortunately, we found the crack on the tube once again,
This is third case in this year.
Email from Mr. X was sent by mistake,
It was my mistake because I had not informed him that I sent you email about this problem.
I would like you to confirm me a selection cost,

Prosze o sprawdzenie moich wypocin.
raz jeszcze
This is THE third case...

z liczebnikami porządkowymi (pierwszy, drugi, itd) używa się zawsze "the"

>Email from Mr. X was sent by mistake,
The email

>It was my mistake because I had not informed him that I sent you email
>about this problem.
...had sent you...

>I would like you to confirm me a selection cost,

...confirm the selection cost


Programy do nauki języków


Studia językowe