Prośba o sprawdzenie wypracowania :)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Mógłby mi ktoś sprawdzić pracę? Będę bardzo wdzięczna. Mam do opisania jeden zawód, wymienić plusy i minusy.

Working as a policeman has got many advantages and disadvantages. It is also very interesting and challenging job. There are three kinds of police service: criminal, of the prevention and the logistics.

Common requirements for all policemen in Polland are: Polish nationality, moral and patriotic attitude, having the height of public laws, clean disciplinary record. The policeman cannot be a member of political parties.

At first, it is very surprising job. Each day looks different from the other. You never know, what may happen and what you will have to do. One day you only sit at the police station, and the other - look for a murderer! An advantage of this job is mindfulness, that you help other people. But for policemen, there would be far more crimes.

A disadventage of tis job is fact, that some people don't like policemen! Especially young people and drivers. It is very difficult and sometimes ungrateful job. A disadventage is also no set time of job. When you catch crimial you mustn't say "Oh, it is 7 pm, I've got to go". Over than that it is job for very fovard people. Almost all criminals have got a gun! Summing up, working as a policeman is very tiring, difficult, stressful and dangerous.

I wouldn't be a policewoman, because i hate, when somebody doesn't value my hard work. What is worse, policemen don't earn a lot of money! I think it is too badly paid job ant it is wort more money. Additionally, I think that this job is better for men, than for women. But I hope, no all people have opinion like my, because policemen are very required!

It is also 'A' very interesting and challenging job. There are three kinds of
police service: criminal, 'of the prevention' (cos tego nie rozumiem) and the logistics.
Common requirements for all policemen in 'Polland' (ortog) are: Polish
nationality, moral and patriotic attitude, having the 'height' (to jest zle slowo-ale nie wiem co tu ma byc) of public laws, clean disciplinary record. The policeman cannot be a member of ANY political parties.
At first, it is 'A' very surprising job. Each day looks different from 'the' ANY
other. .
One day you only sit at the police station, and the other - YOU look for a
A 'disadventage' (ortog) of 'tis' (ortog) job is THE fact, that some people don't like policemen!
It is 'A' very difficult and sometimes AN ungrateful job. A 'disadventage' (ortog) THAT THERE is 'also' (niepotr) no set time of job. When you catch A crimial you mustn't say "Oh, it is 7 pm, I've got to go". 'Over' OTHER than that it is A job for very 'fovard' (ortog) people.
I wouldn't be a policewoman, because 'i' (I duza litera) hate IT, when somebody doesn't value my hard work.
I think it is 'too' (niepotr) A badly paid job 'ant'(ortog) it is 'wort' (ortog) more money.
But I hope, THAT noT all THE people have AN opinion like 'my' MINE, because policemen are 'very' (zle uzycie slowa 'very', tu potrzeba VERY MUCH) required !
....Pozdrawiam....a dlaczego to jest po polsku?
Bardzo dziękuję! Nawet nie zdawałam sobie sprawy, że mam aż tyle błędów. To jest moja praca domowa. A z rodzajnikami zawsze miałam problemy i chociaż na dodatkowym angielskim dostałam 6 kartek o opisem i ćwiczeniami na ten temat, to i tak mi się mylą.
Aaa po polsku w sensie szyk? nad tym też muszę popracować. jeszcze raz dziękuję!


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