pomoc w tłumaczeniu

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Postanowiłem w końcu zacząć uczyć się angielskiego. Wiadomo wszystkim że najlepiej uczyć się robiąc coś co się lubi więc postanowiłem przetłumazyć serje gier Resident evil ponieważ niewszystkie zostały spolszczone :/
Podaje link do filmu który tłumaczyłem.

Wiekszoć to ze słuchu co niebyło łatwe bo mój poziom angielskiego jest marny.

TXT po angielsku ( to co usłyszałem w filmiku )
A mid-western town in America: Raccoon city.
A Solitary island far off in the sea: Rock Fort Island.
An island that would become the second Raccoon city: Sheena Island.
There are still many unanswered questions about these seemingly unrelated yet intensely traumatic events.
Though it is believed that the international enterprise, umbrella was somehow involved, little is known as to the origin of this faceless corporation.
When was it established…?
By whom?
And how is T-virus created?
To one covered the truth, we must know people of the events which transpire of the beginning before the mansion incident.
-do you think so too?
-It begin as a simple investigation of some bizarre murder in the suburbs Raccoon City. Nothing in our training could ever have prepare us for the nightmare that in soon, we never stood the chance
-What’s going on?
-Agent …?... emergence landing
-Check car position and investigate surrounding area
-Captain look
-What happened
-Court order for transportation
Prisoner Billy Coen ex-lieutant, 26 years old, court Marshal sentenced to death, prisoner be transport to Rageton base for execution
-those poors soldiers, the were good men just doing their jobs, and the scum murder them escape
-All right every one let’s separate and survey area, our friend brutal and ruthless, keep your gard up
-A train
-This is officer Chambers for the S.T.A.R.S bravo team please indentificate yourself
Is someone there?
What just happened I thought they were dead
-Billy lieutant Coen
-So you seen to know me, been fanatize about me have you
-You were the prisoner transportation for the execution you with those soldiers outside
-Oh I see you in stars …? niewiem
-Wait you under arrested
-No thanks doilface … ? niewiem
-I could shot you now
Edward are you alright
What happened
-Worse ... we can’t ... you must be careful Rebeca, the world is full of zombies and
-Zombies and monsters?

TXT po polsku ( jak przetłumaczyłem )
Miasto na środkowym zachodzie w Ameryce: Raccon City
Samotna wyspa na morzu: Rock Fort Island (wyspa kamiennego fortu)
Wyspa która mogła stać się drugim Raccon City: Shina Island
Jest jeszcze wiele pytań bez odpowiedzi na te pozornie niezwiązane ze sobą traumatyczne wydarzenia.
Choć uważa się, że międzynarodowe przedsiębiorstwo, umbrella było w jakis sposób zamieszane, niewiele wiadomo na temat tej anonimowej korporacji.
Kiedy została założona ... ?
Przez kogo ... ?
I jak wirus "T" został stworzony ... ?
Jedna ukryta prawda, musimy wiedzieć, ze ludzie związani z tymi wydarzeniami, które wyszły na jaw na początku przed incydentem w rezydencji.
- czy tez tak uważasz ?
- Tak
Zaczęło sie jako proste śledztwo jakiegoś dziwnego morderstwa na przemiściach Racoon City. Żaden nasz trening nie mógł przygotować nas na koszmar (w tym momencie nie wiem jak tłumaczyć, gdyz nie jestem pewien słów angielskich)
- Co sie dzieje ?
- Agent (nie zrozumiałem jego nazwiska lub imienia) ... awaryjne lądowanie
- Sprawdźcie pozycje samochodu i przeszukajcie okolice
- Kapitanie spójrz
- Co się stało ?
- Sądowy nakaz transportu
Więzień Billy Coen, ex-porucznik, 26 lat, sąd marszałkowski (?) skazany na śmierć, więzień zostanie przetransportowany do bazy Regaton na egzekucje.
- Biedni żołnierze, byli dobrymi ludzmi robiącymi swoją robotę i szumowiny zamordowały ich
-Uwaga wszyscy rozdielmy sie i przeszukajmy teren. Nasz przyjaciel jest brutalny i bezwględny. Uważajcie
- Pociąg
- Tutaj oficer Chembers z drużyny STARS bravo prosze zidentyfikować się
Czy ktoś tam jest?
Co się stało myślałam że nieżyją
- Billy porucznik Coen
- Wygląda, że mnie znasz fascynujesz się mną, czyż nie ?
- Byłeś wzięźniem przewożonym na egzekucje, tyi Ci żołnierze na zewnatrz (dalej niwiem)
- Widze, że nalezysz do Stras
- Jestes aresztowany
- Nie dzięki laleczko (dalej niewiem)
- Mogę cię zastrzelić
- Edward dobrze sie czujesz ?
Co się stało ?
- Gorzej ... Nie mozemy ... Musisz być ostrożna Rebeca, Swiat jest pełen ząmbi i potworów
- Ząmbi i potwory

Proszę o sprawdzenie błądów i ich poprawienie w obu tekstach i uzupełnienie tego co pominołem
Raczej mało efektywną metodę nauki sobie wybrałeś...
Poprawiłam Ci zapis angielski. Tłumaczysz niezgorzej (ale dlaczego zombi na ząmbi? lol)

To UNcover the truth, we must DELVE DEEPER INTO the events which transpireD IN the beginning, before the mansion incident.

- It begAn as a simple investigation of some bizarre murderS in the suburbs OF Raccoon City. Nothing in our training could ever have prepareD us for the nightmare that EDSUED, we never stood A chance
-What's going on?
-ENGINE FAILURE... emergencY landing
Check THE CURRENT position and investigate THE surrounding area

Prisoner Billy Coen ex-lieutenant, 26 years old, court-marTIALED AND sentenced to death, prisonerS TO be transport EDto THE Rageton base for execution
- Those poors soldiers, theY were good men just doing their jobs, and the scum murderED them AND escapeD
- All right every one let's separate and survey THE area, our friend IS brutal and ruthless, keep your gUard up

- This is officer Chambers for the S.T.A.R.S bravo team please indentifY yourself
Is someone there?

- So you seeM to know me, been fanatizING about me, have you?
- You were the prisoner THAT WAS BEING TRANSFERRED for the execution. You WERE with those soldiers outside
- Wait you ARE under arrest
- I could shoot, you know
the FORREST is full of zombies and
o Forrest Gump Ci chodzi?
Miałam akurat na zbyciu jedno R. Możesz się poczęstować.
..nightmare that eNsued.
.. prisoner IS to be …
..I've already woRn handcuffs.
Zacząłem tłumaczyć drugi filmik:

Wklejam tylko TXT angielski proszę o poprwienie i uzupełnienie

-This is Rebeca… Over
-……This is …. Rico….. What’s your…… Over
-Enrico… Hallo. Can you hear me, please respond
-Rebeca, I can hear you, listen up (nie jestem pewny tego )its optained Billy Coen kill many times, 23 people, over
-23 people
-(nie weim) keep your guard up, Can you hear me Rebeca, Over
-(nie weim)
-Enricco (nie weim) Hallo, Hallo
S.T.A.R.S here, is anybody there
-Can we (nie wiem) we got a bigger to worry right now
-Come on, we were got that later for now we are safety
-It got be easy
-It's gonna be dangerous some here on in. Why don't we cooperate
-Cooperate with you?
- Listen little girl if you haven't notice there's some (nie wiem) thing on this train and I one wanna get out of here, I don’t think we stand chance doing it alone
-You expected me to trust you or (niewiem), I don’t need your help, I can handle his on my own, and don’t call me a little girl
-Alright ms. Do it yourself, what should I call you
-My name is Rebeca Chambrs, that is officer Chamber to you
-Well then Rebeca then, why don’t you go and try when I wait here
-Excuse me sir
-Are you ok
Who is that guy?
-What’s going on, who’s control train
-Go and check out the first engine current, listen we’fe get it cooperate with weach other from now on, you got that?
-Well I …
-(nie wiem) girl or maybe you like being a bait
-Alright but just remember I will shoot you if you try anything funny
-Fine now take this with you. If you find anything give me a call alright?
-This is delta team, this is delta team we have control train over.
-Does it not make any sence. How was T-virus lift. And why did it (nie wiem) both of lab in the mansion as well as train al most 3 miles away
-(nie weim) you must make sure no none (nie weim) Destroy the train copletly
How far away are you from the nearest branchline
-10 minutes
-What’s happends
-This is Rebeca... Over
-......This is .... Rico..... What's your...... Over
-Enrico... HEllo. Can you READ me, please respond
-Rebeca, I can hear you, now listen up. we've obtained detailed information of a fugitive from a document found at the wrecked wagon Billy Coen killed as many as 23 people, over
-23 people
-we've also confirmed that he was institutionalist (? 'institutionalized' would make more sense). keep your guard up. Can you hear me Rebeca, Over
- still there, Rebeca. He wouldn't think twice before killing you
-Enricco Captain HEllo, HEllo
S.T.A.R.S here, is anybody there
-Can we put a hold on the whole arresting me thing? We have bigger things to worry about right now
-Fine. We'll worry about that later. For now, ? safety
-That'll be easier said than done.
-It's gonna be dangerous from here on in. Why don't we cooperate?
-Cooperate with you?
- Listen little girl if you haven't noticeD there's some pretty freaked out things on this train and I, for one, wanna get out of here, I don't think we stand a chance doing it alone
-You expect me to trust you, a wanted felon , I don't need your help, I can handle this on my own, and don't call me little girl
-All right missus Do it yourself, what should I call you
-THE name is Rebeca Chambers, but that's officer Chambers to you
-Well then Rebeca, why don't you go and try while I wait here
-Excuse me sir
-Are you ok
Who is that guy?
-What's going on, who's controlling the train
-Go and check out the first engine car, listen we gotta cooperate with each other from now on, you got that?
-Well I don't...
-Clue in girl or maybe you like being worm bait
-All right but just remember I will shoot you if you try anything funny
-Fine now take thESE with you. If you find anything give me a call alright?
-This is delta team, this is delta team. We have gained control over train.
-does not make any senSe. How was the T-virus LEAKED. And why did it contaminate both the lab and the mansion as well as the train almost 3 miles away
-That's irrelevant. We must make sure no knowledge of this gets out. Destroy the train. Completely
How far away are you from the nearest branchline
-10 minutes to (?)
-What's happened

jeszcze interpunkcja do poprawy
…What's your LOCATION ...?
….on THE fugitive..
…think twice ABOUT killing..
… was INSTITUTIONALIZED .. ( right Pakk )

Kinda liked this chick, wait till Billy bad boy gets to her.:)
>...think twice ABOUT killing..

That's what I'd say. However, I believe he did say 'before', not 'about'.
Tak słychać rzeczywiście na pierwszy zut ale mysle że to inne dzwieki( sie nakładają ,nie "głosowe") i powoduje ze to goes like "bouf" implying "before" while its short ending ..out is somewhere there.:) Whatever, Billy is a knock-out schtracker who would make anyone a "loved one" without a second thought. :)
Dzięki że mi pomagacie.

W pierwszym filmiku zaczyna się dopiero pod koniec na 9 minucie

Oto co udało mi się usłyszeć

-The train (nie weim) I can’t stop this thing
-I will go to the (nie weim)
-Edward no
Stop don’t come any closer
This is Rebecca (nie weim)
-Roger put the break on now
Come on
-Richard here. Rebecca where are you?
-I’m not sure, but I can see entrance
-Let me handle the mission right now (nie weim)
-So I guess you need a bodyguard right
-No, do you
-I don’t see any monsters
-Just in case we better check up stairs
-The Umbrella management training facility
-The first general manager James Marcus
-You know him
-Just the name
His been death for some time now
-I (tutaj nieweim) looking guy even dirty as quite presents
-Who wonder are those people
-She’s just (nie weim) members of S.T.A.R.S
-What about the man
-(nie weim)
-Attention, this is doctor Marcus please be silent as we (nie weim) power is life.
-Who are you?
-It was I who (tutaj nie wiem) T-virus in the mansion middles to say (nie weim)
-Revenge on Umbrella
-Doctor Marcus
-Ten year ago doctor Marcus was murdered by Umbrella, you helped them, didn’t you

Proszę o poprawienie
-Edward, no
Stop don't come any closer
This is Rebecca, I've engaged the control device for the brake
-Roger. I'll put the break on now.
Come on
-Richard here. Rebecca where are you?
-I'm not sure, but I can see the entrance.
- I'm heading to the mansion right now. We'll rendezvous there (?)
-So I'm guessing you need a bodyguard, right?
-No, do you
-I don't see any monsters
-Just in case we better check upstairs
-The Umbrella management training facility
-The first general manager James Marcus
-You know him
-Just the name
His been dead for some time now
-I friendly looking guy. Even dead he has quite a presence
-Who on earth are those people
-She's just a rookie, a member of S.T.A.R.S
-What about the male
- I'm unfamiliar with him
-Attention, this is doctor Marcus please be silent as we reflect upon our company motto. Obedience breeds discipline, discipline breeds unity, unity breeds power. Power is life.
-Who are you?
-It was I who scattered the T-virus in the mansion. Needles to say I contaminated the train, too.
-Revenge on Umbrella
-Doctor Marcus
-Ten year ago doctor Marcus was murdered by Umbrella, you helped them, didn't you
I'll put the break on now.

brake oczywiście
Dzięki. Ale jeszcze w tym pierwszym filmiku jest coś. Pod sam koniec. Tam praktycznie nic niezrozumiałem
- The train will either derail or crash. I gotta stop this thing !
- I'll go over to the back deck and manipulate the control panel for the brake. You stay here and apply the brake
when ready.
-Ok . Rebecca , don’t screw up, ok ?
-I won’t !

-I’m hanged (here “suspended/stuck ??) on the mansion right now.
Cześć. Oto następny filmik.

Hold on
Hang on
I (nie wiem)
- Thank you
- No … Just keeping my word , we promise to cooperate to each other, remember ?
- This is Rebecca over
- This is Enricco …. (nie wiem) … Rebecca answer me
- No sir, I’m not having yet , I’m continue to search over
- Rebecca
- My first mission was (nie wiem) to worried about it, Billy I just need to know, I need to know the truth did you killed 23 people ? I’m not going to judge you I just want know the truth
- It was around this time last year Our (nie wiem) was order to Africa (nie wiem) in the civil war. Our mission were to (nie wiem) some gorilla forces located deep inside in the jungle but hideout was far away from (nie wiem) from the heat, other was killed by the enemy. In the end only four of us survived. Only there was no Gorilla hideout
- What do you mean ?
- The idiots in charge has operating the base of wrong information, but we couldn’t just back home empty handed oh no our lieder ordered us to attack an innocent village
- Kill them all
- Please sir ( nie wiem)
- shut up ! do it !
- no don’t stop
- So did you execute those innocence people ?
- Forgot about it. It doesn’t matter anymore. That was the this is now. Besides you said you won’t judge me.
- I’m not judging you. But it does matter. Look now my people think you killed those (nie wiem) But I don’t think you did (nie wiem) When they attack the van you were able to escape. Isn’t that right ?
- You don’t get it. I’ve only got two choices left (nie wiem) or keep running as long as I can that’s all.
- But we have to work together if we wanna make out of this
- Yeah survival first (chwila przerwy) Let’s split up
- Ok
- Let’s free (?) group
- Roger (chwila przerwy) I will check out over there
- Yeah (chwila przerwy) Rebecca are you alright ?
- Yes thank you
- The armies in our way

Prosze o poprawienie i uzupełnienie
Kolejna część. Prosze o sprawdzenie ;)

( przez większość filmiku sie biją )
- I’ll go alone (0:35)
- Ok
- Are you alright Rebecca ? (2:45)
- Yeah, Something is coming
- Enemies
- How can something that big fly so fast ?
- You have to focus, into the head
- I can’t give a clear shoot
- What now ?
- We have to go up
- Right
- That guy must be Marcus’s son or grandson
Proszę o sprawdzenie ;)

-Don’t shoot you’re alive
-Are you ok Rebecca ?
-Where is everybody ?
-They should arrive before me, haven’t you seen them ? that’s unfortunate. If we go straight from here we should arrive ( nie wiem) come on let’s go
-Wait I’ve got find Billy
- Billy Coen ? You mean you found that criminal ?
-Yes We’ve got separating …
-No point worrying about him you won’t make it
-Sir please I need to found him I catch up with you
-Rebecca alright jut be careful
-I never saw him again
-What is that ?
-Her time is over you and you friend no longer amuse me good (nie wiem) now nothing stop me from getting my revenge
-Billy … No Billy
-Rebecca where am I ?
-You’re safe now. Are you ok ? what could done this ?
- That must been of years test subjects of Marcus research (nie wiem)
- Billy ?
- Welcome young ones I’m so glad that you’ve join the party. You’ve are the gusts of honor after all it’s your weak
-Who are you ? That’s the guy from the picture
-Marcus ? Wait you’re dead, no you can’t be. What’s going on ?
-Ten years ago Spencer help me assassinated and stole all of my research
-Time to die doctor
-I will take over your research
-However something wonder happens. The T-virus (nie wiem) and brought me back from darkness of death
-I live. Now I will have my revenge on Umbrella, and world will burn and in burn (nie wiem)
-You pay for what you done
-Will see which one of us gonna die

-It just doesn’t make sense do you wanna (nie wiem) crazy young man impossible but if somehow it’s truth then umbrella will be finished
-If the old conspiracy against to Marcus (nie wiem)
-What are you going to do ?
-I will simple say goodbye to Umbrella, The biological weapon (nie wiem) T-viruse is almost completed, our only (nie wiem) task is (nie wiem)
-You can’t be serious I refused (nie wiem) I’ll finished the research on the T-virus but I need a little more time to complete more powerful G-virus
-(Nie wiem )
-Fine, in the mean time something must be done (nie wiem)
-(nie wiem) Rebecca
-An Elevator this will get us up
-The hell is that thing. It’s the Queen
-Who activated this self distracting system
-Come on, Can it move any faster
-Billy be careful it’s catching up
-Hot must have some weak (nie wiem) I’ve got it(nie wiem)
-This monster never give up … Shit !
-Billy … Hated sun light We need open the window
-Follow me … (nie wiem)
-Got it
-(nie wiem)
-Over here freak, Bring it

-Where may you to go Coen ?
-On my mention mission
-(nie wiem) Now you just going to walk away without taken responsibility for your (nie wiem)
-The T-virus has escaped (nie wiem)
-Coen don’t forget who was in charge, you can’t just do what you feel like. Maybe you need a little reminder
-Hey Quenny (nie wiem)
-Rebecca hurry
-I guess he didn’t like his listen. Fine. We have the (nie wiem) to take care anyway everything for Umbrella
-Hey that must be the old mention that Enricco was talking about. I guess it’s time to ay goodbye. Officially lieutenant Billy Coen is dead.
-Yeah I’m just the zombie now. Thank you Rebecca

To już są wszystkie filmiki. Z góry dzięki za poświęcony mi czas. Z resztą sobie poradzę. Jeszcze raz dzięki
Hold on
Hang on. I'll pull you up.
- Thank you
- Don't mention it. Just keeping my word , we promised to cooperate with each other, remember ?
- This is Rebecca over
- This is Enricco. Have you managed to locate Coen yet? Rebecca answer me.
- No sir, I do not have him yet. I'll continue to search for him. Over.
- Rebecca
- My first mission and I have already disobeyed orders. So much for my great law enforcement career. Oh well, I probably won't live long enough to worry about it. Billy I just need to know, I need to know the truth. Did you kill 23 people ? I'm not going to judge you I just want to know the truth
- It was around this time last year. Our unit was ordered to Africa to intervene in a civil war. Our mission was to raid a hideout of some guerrilla forces located deep inside the jungle. The hideout was far away from our entry point. Some died from the heat, others were killed by the enemy. In the end only four of us survived. Only there was no guerrilla hideout.
- What do you mean?
- The idiots in charge had us operating based on wrong information, but we couldn't just go back home empty handed oh no. Our leader ordered us to attack an innocent village.
- Kill them all
- Please, sir! Cease fire immediately!
- shut up ! do it !
- no don't stop
- So did you execute those innocence people ?
- Forgot about it. It doesn't matter anymore. That was then, this is now. Besides you said you wouldn't judge me.
- I'm not judging you. But it does matter. Look, now my people think you killed those MP's in the van. But I don't think you did. It was those zombie dogs, right? When they attacked the van, you were able to escape. Isn't that right ?
- You don't get it. I've only got two choices left: either report to the marines and serve out my sentence, or keep running as long as I can, that's all.
- But we have to work together if we wanna make it out of this
- Yeah survival first (chwila przerwy) Let's split up
- Ok
- Let's regroup
- Roger (chwila przerwy) I'll go check over there
- Yeah (chwila przerwy) Rebecca are you alright ?
- Yes thank you
- The armor's in the way
Siemka!! Mam już wszystko przetłumaczone, oprócz tych 4 ostatnich tekstów.
Czekam na poprawienie i uzupełnienie. Będe bardzo wdzięczny za zrobienie tego jakn ajszybciej.
Witam! Zostały mi już tylko te filmiki i będę miał przetłumaczoną całą grę. Naprawdę mi na tym zależy proszę o poprawnie i uzupełnienie tekstów.

- I'll go alone
- Ok
- Are you alright Rebecca ?
- Yeah, Something is coming
- Enemies
- How can something that big fly so fast ?
- You have to focus, into the head
- I can't give a clear shoot
- What now ?
- We have to go up
- Right
- That guy must be Marcus's son or grandson

-Don't shoot you're alive
-Are you ok Rebecca ?
-Where is everybody ?
-They should arrive before me, haven't you seen them ? that's unfortunate. If we go straight from here we should arrive ( nie wiem) come on let's go
-Wait I've got find Billy
- Billy Coen ? You mean you found that criminal ?
-Yes We've got separating ...
-No point worrying about him you won't make it
-Sir please I need to found him I catch up with you
-Rebecca alright jut be careful
-I never saw him again
-What is that ?
-Her time is over you and you friend no longer amuse me good (nie wiem) now nothing stop me from getting my revenge
-Billy ... No Billy
-Rebecca where am I ?
-You're safe now. Are you ok ? what could done this ?
- That must been of years test subjects of Marcus research (nie wiem)
- Billy ?
- Welcome young ones I'm so glad that you've join the party. You've are the gusts of honor after all it's your weak
-Who are you ? That's the guy from the picture
-Marcus ? Wait you're dead, no you can't be. What's going on ?
-Ten years ago Spencer help me assassinated and stole all of my research
-Time to die doctor
-I will take over your research
-However something wonder happens. The T-virus (nie wiem) and brought me back from darkness of death
-I live. Now I will have my revenge on Umbrella, and world will burn and in burn (nie wiem)
-You pay for what you done
-Will see which one of us gonna die

-It just doesn't make sense do you wanna (nie wiem) crazy young man impossible but if somehow it's truth then umbrella will be finished
-If the old conspiracy against to Marcus (nie wiem)
-What are you going to do ?
-I will simple say goodbye to Umbrella, The biological weapon (nie wiem) T-viruse is almost completed, our only (nie wiem) task is (nie wiem)
-You can't be serious I refused (nie wiem) I'll finished the research on the T-virus but I need a little more time to complete more powerful G-virus
-(Nie wiem )
-Fine, in the mean time something must be done (nie wiem)
-(nie wiem) Rebecca
-An Elevator this will get us up
-The hell is that thing. It's the Queen
-Who activated this self distracting system
-Come on, Can it move any faster
-Billy be careful it's catching up
-Hot must have some weak (nie wiem) I've got it(nie wiem)
-This monster never give up ... Shit !
-Billy ... Hated sun light We need open the window
-Follow me ... (nie wiem)
-Got it
-(nie wiem)
-Over here freak, Bring it

-Where may you to go Coen ?
-On my mention mission
-(nie wiem) Now you just going to walk away without taken responsibility for your (nie wiem)
-The T-virus has escaped (nie wiem)
-Coen don't forget who was in charge, you can't just do what you feel like. Maybe you need a little reminder
-Hey Quenny (nie wiem)
-Rebecca hurry
-I guess he didn't like his listen. Fine. We have the (nie wiem) to take care anyway everything for Umbrella
-Hey that must be the old mention that Enricco was talking about. I guess it's time to ay goodbye. Officially lieutenant Billy Coen is dead.
-Yeah I'm just the zombie now. Thank you Rebecca
znalazłam jakieś dialogi z tej gry, znajdź sobie brakujące fragmenty:

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia