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After death the old king of Denmark, his brother Claudius was chosen to be new King. Next he made up his mind to marry Gertrude Hamlet's mother. Hamlet was angry and dissapointed because of his mother and her quickly decision. She let him down.
One cold night friend of Hamlet saw the gohst of Hamlet's father. He was hanging around the castel. Hamlet didn't make out how this was possible. It was high time they checked it. All of sudden, when the clock struck midnight the gohst turned up.
He took Hamlet aside and talked to him that It's thought that a poisonous snake had killed him but it was lie. He had been sleeping in his garden when Claudius had come and he had put poison in his ear. He asked that Hamlet must take revange for his murder and had killed Claudius. Then the gohst dissappeard.
Hamlet was full of anger and hatred. He looked forward to kill Claudius. He started behaving strangely. Now Claudius looked through Hamlet's intention.
(...) He became angry and told: “I would rather you got out of my life"
(...) He was up to kill him but he thought that he shouldn't kill Claudius now, because he would go straight to heaven.
(...) Without hesitation grabed his sword and stabed the person behind the curtain. But it turned out it wasn't Claudius but Polonius! (...) While he was there, Ophelia didn't manage to life with her problems anymore and she killed herself. Claudius wished he hadn't killed Polonius. He was depressed but on the other hand he still wanted to kill Claudius.
(...) He said that Hamlet must pay for his crime and he challenged him to a fight.(...) He used to lie and cheat so Leater's sword and wine were poisoned by the Claudius. (...) If she hadn't married Claudius, she would have lived.


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