email, sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Hi, Don
You’ll remember that you asked about some recommendation of rescue procedures last Wednesday.
Firstly, if somebody trapped under the water you have to keep one's head. Then, you should locate diver and mark his position. After, you must release if diver stick fast. Next, you should bring him to surface carefully, but not so fast. Then, you need to send signal for help by calling 112. After that, you should remove diver from water and give him first aid.
Could you please write me is this information was helpful on your discuss of rescue procedures?
Rgds, Jon
Czyli najpierw trzymamy jego głowę (przypuszczam, że nad wodą), a dopiero później go szukamy?
chciałam napisać, że zachowujemy zimną krew.
keep calm
don't panic
remain calm
An extra-curricullar bonus :)
Don't clank up/awfulize.
By my balls ! Posilutely “ extra-curricuLar “. :)
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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