list do gazety prosze szybkie sprawdzenie

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Proszę o sprawdzenie listu do gazety i odpowiedni na niego... Nie miałam styczności z j.angielskim dośc długi czas i myśle ze zrobiłam bardzo dużo błędów...proszę o pomoc i sprawdzenie...licze na czas...Z góry dziękuję za pomoc..

Dear Johnson
I love animals but the most I like cats. Yesterday I find little cat near my house. He is very small. He has cute green eyes and grey fur. I far that he is to small to live without his mother. I did for him the warm bed. I also do for him milk in the bottle like for baby.I fell like a feline mum. In my life I have many animals but this cat is for me too important and I want that he grow up andlive with me healtg and happy. What can I do more for this cute cat?
Maybe I should go to the veterinary surgeon?

Dear Ms XYZ
I would advise you to help you and your little cat. You can buy for him special food foor little cats. I don't think you should go to the veterinary surgeon. Perhaps you should only spend with him more time. When his health get better you can go with him outside. Little cat must play and move to good grow up. I think that if you do all my peace advice your cat will be with you happy long time.
Dr Johnson.
Dear (tutaj cos brakuje) Johnson
I love animals but 'the most' MOST OF ALL I like cats. Yesterday I 'find' ale 'yesterday to czas przeszly, trzeba czas. czasu przeszlego, a 'find' nim nie jest) little 'cat' KITTEN near my house.
I 'far' (ortog) that he is 'to' (ortog) small to live without his mother. I 'did' MADE for him 'the' A warm bed (ale trzeba to zdanie inaczej...I made him a warm bed). I also 'do' (co to jest z tym 'do' - tutaj GAVE 'for' (niepotr) him SOME milk in the bottle JUST like 'for' A baby.I 'fell' (fell, to potknac sie, tutaj inne slowo i czas przeszly) like a feline mum. In my life I have many animals but this cat is for me too important and I want 'that he' HIM TO grow up and live with me 'healtg' (ortog) and happILY. What 'can I do more' MORE CAN I DO for this cute 'cat' KITTEN?

Dear Ms XYZ
I would advise 'you to help you and your little cat' (nie rozumiem sensu tego zdania). You can buy for him special food 'foor' (ortog) little cats/kittens. I don't think you should go to the veterinary surgeon. Perhaps you should only spend MORE TIME with him. 'more time' (niepotr).
When his health getS (it-gets) better you can go with him outside. A little cat
must play and move to 'good grow up' (good-jest zlym slowoem, ale i kol slow - to grow up well). I think that if you 'do' TAKE all my 'peace' (po co to slowo tutaj?) advice your cat will be HAPPY with you 'happy' (niepotr) FOR A long time.
Dziękuję bardzo terri... czy teraz już dobrze??

Dear Ms Johnson
I love animals but most of all I like cats. Yesterday I found little kitten near my house.
I fear that he is too small to live without his mother. I made him a warm bed. I also gave him some milk in the bottle just like a baby. I felt like a feline mum. In my life I have many animals but this cat is for me too important and I want him to grow up and live with me health and happily. What more can I do for this cute kitten?

Dear Ms XYZ
I would like to help you and your little cat. You can buy for him special food for little cats. I don't think you should go to the veterinary surgeon. Perhaps you should only spend more time with him.
When his health gets better you can go with him outside. A little cat
must play and move to grow up well. I think that if you take all my advice your cat will be happy with you for a long time.
>Dear Ms Johnson,
Yesterday I found A little kitten near my house.
..grow up and live with me healthILY and happily.


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