sprawdzenie opowiadania

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie tego opowiadania :)

It was on Friday's evening. I was coming back home from a training. It wasn't in a good mood. A tournament would be in a week, but I can't dance a waltz. I was walking slowly. I was listening the wind. Suddenly, I made out that somebody was following me. It was dark, so I couldn't see who was a mysterious character. I was having a nasty feeling. I accelerate automatically. Nobody was around. It was some ten minutes to a civic centre. An interestic between me and stranger was started reducing. I recollected about an article in a newspaper: "We should walk on eggshells - a robber is still marauding". I was so aghast. If stranger robber... . I couldn't finish this sentence. Egads, why Peter had to stay longer. If he were there, I would go to home safety. It was going faster and faster. Unfortunately, it's not act. I was trying to lose an unacquainted, but I couldn't. He was still following me. It was panicing. I started running. I would to find somebody who could help me. Unfortunately, secret man was gaining ground on me. I started crying. Then I triped on a stone. I fell. I started screaming. Help! A man caught me up. I was trying to escape but I couldn't. Suddenly, I heart a cohibition. I saw a Beamer. Some man got off car. I thought: "I couldn't escape from two men". But my wonder knew no bounds when driver of Beamer started shouting at my attacker. He Shouted: "Let she loose! The police has just arrived". An attracter started running away, but my salvor caught up with him effortessly. The police arrived in the meantime. My salvor approached to me and said: "HAd he done someting wrong with you?" I was shocked. After a moment I bunged to him and I started drying. My salvador told me: "Don't dread. Everything is all right now. You're safe". When I settled down I managet tell him: "You safe my life, thank you so much". After I went to the police and I was in the box. As a result I haven't known my salvor's name. But two days later... My salvar knocked at my door. I got a shock. Now, then three years elapsed from this event... I know my salvor's name is Tom and he is going to turn into my husband for a month.


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