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In the picture I can see a woman. She is dressed very smartly. She is wearing a black suit. The woman is crossing by street. On hand she is keeping some briefcase. Probably she is going to work.

In the picture I can see a lot of people. On first plan I see a boy. He is sitting on sidewalk. He is leaning about wall some building. He is wearing in black leather jacket and short jeans. He has handkerchief on head and gym shoes on legs. Some girl is sitting near him. She is reading a book. She has a hood on head. Some pepole are crossing by them . They be dressed enough similarly. A womens are wearing a white trousers, meanwhile a mans grey. All have on onesefl a green uniforms.
The woman is crossing 'by' THE street. 'On' IN HER (left or right) hand she is
'keeping' (to jest kalka z polskiego 'trzyma' ale po ang to HOLDING 'some' A briefcase.
'On first plan' (napisz to inaczej...IN THE FOREGROUND I see a boy.
He is sitting on THE sidewalk. He is leaning 'about' AGAINST THE wall OF some building.
He has A handkerchief on HIS head and gym shoes on HIS 'legs' (nie, to znowu kalka z polskiego kolokw-nogi, ale tutaj ON HIS FEET). 'Some' A girl is sitting near him.
She has a hood on HER head. Some 'pepole' (ortog) are crossing THE ROAD by them . They 'be' ARE dressed 'enough' VERY similarly. 'A' (nie dajemy 'a' przed l. mn.) THE womeN are wearing 'a' (niepotr) white trousers, meanwhile a 'mans' HAS grey TROUSERS. (tutaj musial;am zgadywac co moze miales na mysli), All have on 'onesefl' (ortog ale i zle slowo-, prosze tego nie uzywac tutaj THEM 'a' (niepotr) green uniforms.