Prośba o sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Jestem pod wielkim wrażeniem Pana poświęcenia i oddania temu klubowi, w którym zagrał Pan ponad pięćset meczy. I nadal powiększa pan ten wynik.

I am very impressed by your dedication and devotion for this club with which you play over five hundred matches. And you still growing this result.

Podziwiam Pana za odwagę, dzięki której nie boi się Pan odstawiać ręki/nogi w sytuacjach grożących kontuzją.

I admire your courage with which you not afraid to put away hand/foot in situations threatening injury.
I am very impressed by your dedication and devotion 'for' (TO, you are devoted To something) this club with which you HAVE playED (bo to czas przeszly chyba?) over five hundred matches. And you still 'growing' (calkowicie zle slowo, to nie kwiatek, poszukaj inne) this result.

I admire your courage with which you AREE not afraid 'to put away' (cos to mi nie pasuje to tego- poszukaj cos innego) hand/foot in situations threatening injury.
A teraz będzie dobrze?

I am very impressed by your dedication and devotion to this club with which you have played over five hundred matches. And you still increases this result.

I admire your courage with which you are not afraid to pull away hand/foot in situations threatening injury.
I am very impressed by your dedication and devotion to this club with
which you have played over 'five hundred' (lepiej napisac 500 matches. And you still 'increases' (ale to jest zla czesc zdania, bo wynika z tego, ze piszesz 'you increases...czy to jest prawidlowo po ang?) this result.
I admire 'your' THE courage with which you are not afraid to pull away
YOUR hand/foot in situations WHICH ARE threatening injury.
I am very impressed by your dedication and devotion to this club with
which you have played over 500 matches. And the result still increases. Ee to już nie wiem jak napisać to zdanie.. a teraz jak poprawiłem to może być? tylko nie wiem jak tam dac "you"

I admire the courage with which you are not afraid to pull away
your hand/foot in situations which are threatening injury.

A dlaczego na początku nie może być you tylko the? skoro piszę podziwiam "twoją odwagę"
And YOUR result IS still increasING.
moze byc ' 'your' i 'the'
Ok! Bardzo dziękuję za pomoc ;).
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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