Proszę o sprawdzenie

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The last subculture which I recount is Punk's
This subculture characterized by an opposition to gouvernment and they have a strong identify. Punk's are rebellious and they don't accept homophobia, sexism, racism. Punk's have a motto ''Punk's not dead''
Their's style is really strange. They have hard make up. They wear a dark eyeshadows, black violet or red lipstick. They have always pale complexion. Punk's have charkteristic hairstyle, for example colourful Mohican or mullet. Men's usually grow a goatee beard.
Punk's wear tights, dark clothes. .The main motif of clothes is death's head.
They often wear leather jacket, ripped jeans, t-shirts with logos of the band on it, and heavy duty shoes. They really like piercing, and thay can do a lot of earrings on their's body.
. Although their's look, Punk's don't harmless .
Punk's listen punk rock music. The lirycs of song often oppose reality.
In their's free time , Punk's go to the punk rock concerts to small and smoky clubs, write lirycs for songs, and meet with their's punk's friends.


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