czasy past continuous i simple

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* Hi, Jane! Why ……… (you/not/come) to the party last night?
# Well, I ……. (study) for a very important exam all night.

* I ……… (watch) TV when something …….. (fall) in the kitchen.
# What ……… (be) it?

* I …………. (have) a bad dream last night.
# Really?

* What ……… (you/do) when you saw the ghost?
# Nothing. I couldn’t move.

* I ……. (play) a computer game when all the lights …… (go) out.
# What …………… (happen) next?

It all ……… (start) when Vikings ……… (decide) to attack a village in Scotland a long time ago. They ……… (agree) to make hooting sounds to mark the start of their attack.
The Vikings ……… (watch) the village and when they……… (see) that all ……… (be) quiet, they ……… (start) to hoot and the attack……… (begin).
The Vikings ……… (destroy) everything and ……… (kill) everybody until there was nothing left standing. However, a little boy ……… (hide) behind some trees and ……… (watch) the attack.
The next morning, the Vikings ……… (leave). The boy ……… (walk) to the next village and ……… (tell) the people the bad news. That is why, to this day, hearing an owl hoot is a sign of bad luck!

1. didn’t you come
was studying

2. was watching, fell

3. had

4. were you doing

5. was playing, went
did happen

6. started, decided, agreed, were watching, saw, were, started, began, destroyed, killed, was hiding, was watching, left, walked, told
1.* Hi, Jane! Why didn't you come (you/not/come) to the party last night?
# Well, I was studying (study) for a very important exam all night.
2.* I was watching (watch) TV when something fell (fall) in the kitchen.
# What was(be) it?.
3.* I had (have) a bad dream last night.
# Really?
4. * What . were you doing (you/do) when you saw the ghost?
# Nothing. I couldn't move.
5.* I was playing (play) a computer game when all the lights went (go) out.
# What HAPPENED (happen) next?
6. It all started (start) when Vikings decided (decide) to attack a village in Scotland a long time ago. They agreed (agree) to make hooting sounds to mark the start of their attack.
The Vikings were watching (watch) the village and when they saw (see) that all WAS (be) quiet, they started (start) to hoot and the attack began (begin).
The Vikings destroyed (destroy) everything and killed (kill) everybody until there was nothing left standing. However, a little boy was (hide) behind some trees and watching (BEZ WAS) (watch) the attack.
The next morning, the Vikings left (leave). The boy walked (walk) to the next village and told (tell) the people the bad news. That is why, to this day, hearing an owl hoot is a sign of bad luck!
przepraszam, pominęłam :was HIDING w jednym z ostatnich zdań
przepraszam, pominęłam :was HIDING w jednym z ostatnich zdań
przepraszam, pominęłam :was HIDING w jednym z ostatnich zdań
Wielkie dzięki, niech Ci Bóg w dzieciach wynagrodzi :D :)
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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