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Dear John,
How are you? I hope you are very well. I have got so much to tell you that I do not know how to begin.

I came of language camp in London. I saw many monuments. I was in Tower of London. Tower of London is interesting monument in London. It was the seat of rulers of England. I was in The British Museum. It is the biggest the world museum. I was also on London Eye, it is very beautiful. It was very nice. I made many things learned English language, met some friends in town and watched films. I went to a rock concert. I went shopping. In the last evening we had bonfire farewell on garden. We laughed, listened to music and sang. We ate sausages and drank. On language camp I mored cool person. She name is Melissa. She fromed Spain. She was tall and slim. She had long, blond hair and green eye. She liked sport and foreign languages. She was nice. I liked spoke with her.
I have to finish now. Hope to hear from you. Give my regards to your parents.

Your sincere friend,
I came 'of' (nie rozumiem uzycia tego 'of' tutaj) language camp in London. \
I was in (tu cos brakuje) Tower of London. (tu cos brakuje) Tower of London is (tu cos brakuje) interesting monument in London.
I 'was' (nie, to jest kalka z polskiego 'byla,' ale to nie tak, napisz 'odwiedzilam) The British Museum. It is the biggest 'the world museum' (zla kol slow). 'I was' (przestan z tym 'I was' napisz, 'odwiedzilam,) also on (tu cos brakuje) London Eye, it is very beautiful.
I 'made' (znowu kalka z polskiego 'zrobilam' ale po ang mowimy inaczej, poszukaj i popraw) many things, learned (tu cos brakuje) English language, met some friends in town and watched films.
In the last evening we had (tu cos brakuje) 'bonfire farewell' (zl akol slow) 'on' (kalka z polskiego) garden.
'On' AT (tu cos brakuje) language camp I 'mored' (nawet nie rozumiem tego slowa) (tu cos brakuje) cool person. 'She' (zle slowo- napisalas, 'ona imie' czy tak nawet po polsku mowimy?) name is Melissa. She 'fromed' (to slowo nie istnieje w jez. ang. napisz to normalnie) Spain.
She had long, blond hair and green 'eye' (tylko jedno oko miala - to bylo cos-pomysl co chcesz napisac).
I 'liked spoke' (tego nawet nie rozumiem) with her.

