Krótkie dialogi cz.2

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Z: Hello! I would like to go to Szczecin.
E: Hi, I am just going to Szczecin.
Z: Oh, so would you have nothing against giving me a lift to that city?
E: Of course!
Z: Thank's a lot! I tried earlier to stop cars for 2 hours but it didn't bring results.

E: Oh! It's really beautiful here!
Z: Thank you Bob, my mother helped me in preparations to that halloween party.
E: How long did you and your mum decorated the house?
Z: We made it into 3 hours.
E: And could you tell me something about yours expecting the holiday in that case?
Z: I hope that I will clear many sweets away!

Z: Good morning sir, I would like to ask you about the price of this CD, could you tell me it?
E: Sure, it costs 23 $
Z: It is an absurdity! The CD is scratched and there is no box!
E: And how much do you what to pay for it?
Z: I can give you only 19$. I think that this price is good for your offert sir. In the shop that CD costs 25$ whit the box and without any scratchs.

Proszę o sprawdzenie tych dialogów, z góry dziękuję.
Z: Oh, 'so would you have nothing against' (to brzmi bardzo dziwnie, napisz...would you mind) giving me a lift 'to that city' THERE?
I tried earlier to stop cars for 2 hours but it didn't bring ANY results.
Z: Thank you Bob, my mother helped me in (tu cos brakuje) preparations 'to' (nie rozumiem uzycia tego slowa) 'that' THE Halloween ((duza litera) party.
Z: We made it 'into' (zle slowo, uzyj INSIDE 3 hours.
E: And could you tell me something about 'yours' (zle slowo, ale nie wiem co chcesz powiedziec) 'expecting' (zla czesc zdania, tutaj rzecz.) the holiday in that case?
Z: I hope that I will clear 'many sweets away' (tego nie rozumiem)!
Z: I can give you only 19$. I think that this price is good for your
'offert' (ortog) sir. In the shop that CD costs 25$ 'whit' (zle slowo, to jest Swieto w UK) the box and without any 'scratchs' (ortog).
Czy teraz jest dobrze?

Z: Hello! I would like to go to Szczecin.
E: Hi, I am just going to Szczecin too.
Z: Oh, so would you mind nothing against giving me a lift there?
E: Of course, get into my car!
Z: Thank's a lot! I tried earlier stop cars for 2 hours but it didn't bring any results as you see.

E: Oh! It's really beautiful here!
Z: Thank you Bob, my mother helped me in a arrangements to Halloween party this year.
E: How long did you and your mum decorated the house?
Z: We made it inside 3 hours.
E: And could you tell me something about yours expecting of this holiday?
Z: I hope that I will collect many sweets!

Z: Good morning sir, I would like to ask you about the price of this CD, could you tell me how
much is it?
E: Sure, it costs 23 $
Z: It is nonsense! The CD is scratched and there is no box for it!
E: And how much do you what to pay me for this CD?
Z: I can give you only 19$. I think that this price is really good for your ofert sir.
In the shop that CD costs 25$ with the box and without any scratches.
E: Ok, I will sell you it for 19$.