list formalny .prosze o sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Wiem, że dużo tego ale bardzo prosze o sprawdzenie. Nie wiem czy dobrze użyłam strony biernej , a może można jeszcze ktores zdanie przeksztalcic na strone bierna ?napiszcie mi co zle napisalam, co powinnam poprawic itp . Prosze o szybka odpowiedz poniewaz zadanie mam na wtorek. ; )

Dear Editor ,

I am writing in connection with the article ' Extreme sports for everyone ' which was written by Dave Salmoni.I read it in your newspaper last week.I have to say that I do not agree with writer's opinion.The article is said, that we should allow children go in for sport and irregardless from an early age children should pursue that kind of sport.In that children are more self-reliant.They learn how to fix problems by yourself.Their thinking becomes more rational and deliberative.
Despite that, I think that this is very dangerous kind of sport which should been banned for young people.
Firstly, as I said this is dangerous sport.For example winter sports like skiing or snowboarding.I know a lot of people who took their children for winter sports and that usually ended in hospital.
Secondly, If we want guarantee of safety we must spend a lot of money to buy the most necessary equipment what is sometimes a huge waste of money because some people think that they will do it regulary and later it turned out that this it is not what they like.
I reckon that extreme sports are very dangerous and the list of possible injuries is very long, therefore, we should not allow unnecessarily harm yourselves.I understand that for most of us it would be the most exciting and hazardous things we have ever done and I do not think about skiing or snowboarding because this is nothing beside for example parachute jump or bungee jumping or even jump from a helicopter into virgin slops covered with snow but we should take care about our heath and sometimes life.
To sum up this kind of sport is not directed to everyone.Extreme sports are very expensive, because special equipments are required and these activities are taken by these who are fit and have strong nerves and so should be.



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