prosze o sprawdzenie mojego tlumaczenia do pracy licencjackiej

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.

ponizej przedstawiam moje tlumaczenie streszczenia do pracy licencjackiej. uprzejmie prosze o sprawdzenie czy nie wkradly sie jakies bledy gramatyczne zle sformulowania


The subject of this thesis is to present the profit and loss account of financial reporting in dairy cooperative “OSM Kowalew-Dobrzyca”.
The paper presents issues associated with the financial reporting; particularly methods of generation and analysis of profit and loss account.
The company has been well described and also profit and loss account analysis has been conducted. The aim of it was to illustrate the final financial outcome and individual factors influencing its generation.
The profit and loss account study was based on structure and dynamic analysis also on profitability index. The result showed that the business situation has been improved in analyzed period; however current situation shows no development potentialities due to constant and progressive sales revenue decrease.
The theoretical framework was based on available nonfictional prose and recent law provisions. The empiric part was composed on financial reports provided by dairy cooperative “OSM Kowalew-Dobrzyca”.
'PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT' (to jest tylko jeden z wielu 'accounts' ktory robimy na koniec roku - trzeba pomyslec dokladnie czy masz na mysli wszystkie, czy tylko ten jeden). OF FINANCIAL REPORTING IN DAIRY COOPERATIVE „OSM KOWALEW- DOBRZYCA”
The subject of this thesis is to present the profit and loss account of financial reporting in dairy cooperative “OSM Kowalew-Dobrzyca”. (ale to juz masz napisane w tytule. Dlaczego powtarzasz?)
'The paper presents 'issues' (a dokladniej jakie?) associated with the financial reporting; particularly methods of generation and analysis of profit and loss account.' (ja bym to polaczyla z pierwszym zdaniem, jak juz chcesz to napisac. Napisalabym to scislej. )
The company has been well described (gdzie? kiedy? jak? przez kogo? trzeba napisac, nie za bardzo slowo 'well' tutaj pasuje) and also 'profit and loss account analysis has been conducted' (juz 3ci raz mowisz o tym samym). The aim of it was to illustrate the final financial outcome and individual factors influencing its generation.
The profit and loss account study was based on structure and dynamic analysis also on profitability index. The result showed that the business situation has been improved in analyzed period (ale do ktorego czasu sie odnosisz, trzeba napisac); however current situation shows no development potentialities due to constant and progressive sales revenue decrease.
The theoretical framework was based on available 'nonfictional prose' (cos tu nie tak, trzeba to inaczej, bo wyglada na to, ze czerpalas wiadomosci z jakis 'novels' a nie 'financial literature') and recent law 'provisions' (czy moze nie lepiej 'regulations, laws?). The empiric part was 'composed' (zle slowo, ale nie wiem co masz na mysli) on financial reports provided by (tu wg mnie brakuje THE) dairy cooperative “OSM Kowalew-Dobrzyca”.
chciałabym zobaczyć oryginalny tekst po polsku, bo mam wrażenie, że albo błędnie przetłumaczone albo kilka błędów logicznych w oryginale.
1. "PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT OF FINANCIAL REPORTING IN..." - rachunek zysków i strat raportowania finansowego ??
2. w drugim zdaniu nawiązujesz do jakiejś tezy...zdanie powyższe nie jest tezą,
3. "The company has been well described" - "well described" - sama oceniłaś swoją pracę,
4. "The aim of it was to..." - of what ?
5. "progressive sales revenue decrease" - progressive decrease...nie wygląda to dobrze, jeśli chodziło o spadek wzrostu to "decline in growth" lub "growing decline",
6. "The theoretical framework was based on available nonfictional prose" -prose - nie wiem o co chodzi,
7. "law provisions" - w finansach to chodzi o rezerwy, a tobie ?
PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT - to jest poprawne wyrażenie
edytowany przez ivonne: 12 lip 2016
thesis = praca dyplomowa

mozliwości rozwoju - lepiej prospects for... niz potentialities
i koniecznie popraw tę nieszczęsną literaturę faktu. Gdzie to znalazlas?