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Chciałbym teraz powiedzieć kilka słów o pacjencie.
W badaniu wzięła udział 63-letnia kobieta z rozpoznaniem choroby zwyrodnieniowej stawów w 2008 r. W lipcu 2012 r. Wykonano operacje artroplastyki z endoprotezą EcoFit. Operacja odbyła się bez komplikacji. Rehabilitacja została wprowadzona pierwszego dnia po operacji i obejmowała ćwiczenia oddechowe poprawiające wentylację płuc, ćwiczenia izometryczne wzmacniające mięśnie operowanej kończyny oraz naukę prawidłowego siedzenia na łóżku z opuszczonymi nogami. Drugiego dnia pacjentka postawiła pierwsze kroki. Następnie dwa miesiące po operacji we wrześniu 2015 r. pacjentka została skierowany na rehabilitację domową. Program rehabilitacji trwał 2 tygodnie i obejmował:

Now, I would like to say a few words about patient.
The study was attended by a 63-year-old woman diagnosed with osteoarthritis in 2008. In July 2012, arthroplasty operations with EcoFit endoprosthesis were performed. An operation without complications. Rehabilitation was introduced on the first day after the surgery and included breathing exercises to improve lung ventilation, isometric exercises strengthening the muscles and the operated limb, and learning how to sit properly on a bed with legs down. On the second day the patient took her first steps. Then two months after the surgery in September 2015, the patient was referred for home rehabilitation. The rehabilitation program lasted 2 weeks and included:
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Teraz poprawione
Now, I would like to say a few words about patient.
The presented case concerns a 63-year-old woman whowas diagnosed with left hip osteoarthritis in 2008. In
July 2015, she had left hip arthroplasty with EcoFit endoprosthesis. The operation went without complications. Rehabilitation was implemented starting from the first day after surgery and included respiratory exercises to improve lung ventilation, isometric exercises to strengthen the muscles of the operated limb, and safely sitting on the bed with legs down. On the second day took her first steps. Due to the condition of the patient, she
was referred for home rehabilitation, which took place in September 2015, two months after the surgery. The patient was given two weeks of PNF therapy in the following areas: