proszę o tłumaczenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Czy ktoś może mi przetłumaczyć na j. polski " to the extent permitted by law, in the event a party default in the performance of this Agreement, that party's liability to the other party will be limitted to losses up to a limit of the zloty equivalent of Euro 50000 calculated at the mid-rate of exchange of National Bank of Poland published in the daily on the day of issuing of the payment demand. To the extent permitted by law, neither party will be liable to the other for the downtime costs, cost of over, loss of data, costs of their reconstruction and lost profits unless otherwise provided in the terms and conditions of the Progtrams' jest to wycinek umowy
tekst jest przydługi więc i nikt się nie kwapi
a prawników tu i tak jak na lekarstwo:-))




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