1 zdanie

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prosze o jeszcze jedno zdanie !!!! Chodze do XI liceum ogolnoksztalcacego.
I'm a student of Grammar School no 11
raczej High School
Grammar School to w Brytyjskim szkoła średnia dla dzieci od 11 roku życia przygotowująca do egzaminów na studia, a w Amerykańskim to szkoła podstawowa.
So what (at least what do you mean ?) - e.g. didn't you know that a kindergarten in the British sense of the word equals "preschool" in the American sense...
High School is the American equivalent of Grammar School to my mind.
I cannot say that you are wrong (I am not an expert in British or American educational system).High School is used also in Britain. It is a school for children up to 18 years old. However, it is more common in Poland to say High School when talking about "liceum".
What do you think about "Secondary School no 11" ?
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