pomoc w tłumaczeniu - 1 zdanie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
czy 'weź swój miecz i chodź ze mną, razem przezwyciężymy zło' to po angielsku 'hold your sword and go out with me, together we will overcome the evil' ? Dobrze to przetłumaczyłem?
moze tak:
take your sword and come with me and together we will overcome evil (bez 'the') bo jak z 'the' to cos brakuje na koncu ...the evil X..
Terri, I admire your English and hate to correct you but this time you are wrong. "Evil" isn't just an adjective it's a noun as well and in his sentence must be "the evil".
A couple more examples:
Tobacco is considered by some to be an evil.
There was supposed to be another example:
The evil in his nature has destroyed the good.
...as I said before, even I make mistakes... proves I'm only human.


Pomoc językowa


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia