Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Przeczytaj tekst i uzupelnij zdania, uzywajac should, shouldn't, must lub musn't.

Table tennis Club
We have 5 rules:
-sign the book when you arrive.
-pay for your game before you play.
-wear sports shoes in the gym.
-finish your game at the corrent time.
-don' take food intro the gym.

It's a good idea to:
-come in the morning or afternoon.Theclub is very busy in the evening.
-take your money intro the gym with you.The changing rooms aren't safe.

It's not a good idea to:
-stay in the shower a long time.Other people want to use it.
-sing in the shower. People can heaar you in the street !

People must sign the book.

1.They...... pay before their game.
2.They...... wear sports shoes.
3.People......finish their game late.
4.They......take food intro the gym.
5.They......visit the club in the morning.
6.People......take their money intro the gym.
7.They......stay in the shower
8.They......sing in the shower.
1. should
2. must
3. shouldn't
4. mustn't
5. should
6. should
7. shouldn't
8. shouldn't