pilne tlumaczenie p0pr0sze!

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Hej wszystkim,

sluchajcie gosc do mnie od producenta z Chin napisal po angielsku, sprawy techniczne, nie wiem do konca o co mu chodzi, pomooocy!
wklejam tresc maila:
We need your plastic material, 6 pipe fittings and 1 AR01 materials shipment delivery from door to door first, and then we will quote you the delivery charges from HK office to China plant for this material shipment. After your confirmation, we will arrange the material from HK office to China Plant.


Please reply the address info of this material shipment and quote them the delivery charges from HK office to China plant for this material shipment. Please follow up thanks.

slowa techniczne znam, ale ogolnie to nie do konca jarze, czego on chce ode mnie... :D
oka, juz nieaktualne

