Szata graficzna

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1-30 z 41
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Can anyone help me translate "szata graficzna" into English. Eg "szata graficzna programu". Thx ;)
graphic design
lepiej design
Nie kłócić się ;P
Warto, jak się ma rację :)
laicy :)
How’s hacking ,lurkers ? :)

In cyberspeak some ”gear-heads”(programers:) would probably say : graphic format ?? ”The native format of the program”, then adding ”graphic” would make sense, wouldn’ it ? On second thought the ”format” is rather accosiated with different files’ layout and function but again the files make up a program anyway.
Design,layout,format, or graphic composition ?

”All rightie , hacker’s work’s never done” ( new idiom:))
You can't chop an onion with a blunt knife :)
Unless your chopping skills are analogous to those of ”Siunia’s machete”.
(For those in the know;)
But yes :) when this knife is not the sharpesrt in the drawer ;) no pun :)

Back to hack out all the gubbish from my computer,-said propeller-head :)
I'm inclined to say "graphic design". One of my closest friends is a graphic designer and studied "graphic design" at Art school. I suspect that my constant exposure to her profession has created a bias in me. Graphic layout just sounds wrong to my ear. Could it be an AmE/BrE thingy? (wowing you with my native speaker vocabulary)
Hey dear, hope everything is cool on your side of the pond so ”every Canadian could go on making love in a canoe with minimum disruption”), quite an alternative to hockey watching, what ? :)

Yes ,design, why not ? Like ”Windows 7 Graphic Design Software” ?
Btw, got Vista Home but now think to upgrade to 7, what the heck :) My "Macintrash" has barfed recently ( some serious system graunch) but not because I’ve been going to much ”digital” like in quote, ”Musicians( that’s me :), dancers,cartoonists and even poets(again me ?) are all going digital”, unquote. Hahahaha.
As far as computers go,I guess I’m not just a gweep(dumb terminal)any longer. :)
Hi Savvy:
A super-secret piece of news to share....drops her voice to a whisper, looks over her shoulder to check if anyone is listening and then proceeds to say:

I met up with Eva last week!!! We had fun. Were your ears burning? We obviously talked about you. We'll probably do it again. SSSSHhhhhh. Don't tell anyone.
Well, I’m greatly flurried to learn that :)Two nice girls were talking about me ?
Wow. Unfortunately, inspite of my ”flapping” ears being active rather on a permanent basis I can’t say I could feel them burning:). Hope the "review” was full of superlatives.
Say hello to Eve when you next see her.:)
I was a little shy to speak Polish with her (yes, you read that right...I used the word "shy" in the first person). Promise me you will make me speak Polish when we meet up. I think the "klimat" of Wawa will obviously activate my inclination to speak Polish. The more I think about it, your enthusiasm for speaking English will likely totally drown out any linguistic efforts on my part. :)

We talked about you only a little bit. Don't get a big head.
those who have an inside track to the ear of graphics know their onions :) Similarly, the professionalists know their subject area. Your friend and I seem to share the same opinion. It is widely-known in the environment of graphics that 'layout' basically means a 'pattern'. The term 'graphic design' covers the broader scope of activity. The information on Wikipedia are inaccurate, misleading and erroneous.

You have to dig up furthr on the subject to finally get it, I guess.
Too bad :) Already did. :(
But I thought I would make the most of our future meeting to broaden and improve my,say both morphosyntactic insight and felicitousness in vocabulation. :) Not to worry, I'll quickly make the atmosphere laid-back to get rid off your any possible emotional blocks.:)
>I was a little shy to speak Polish with her...

I still don't know how to feel about that! Do I intimidate people or something??
Right :) For example , when you're in Hustler business you know that "Manhattan eel" means nothing but "kondon, prezerwatywa,kalosz, ogumienie".:)
In other words , nowadays there's no way to function without decent "nightcap".

How is it that in the middle of a perfectly "normal" conversation about my inherent shyness you can segue into/shanghai the thread and discuss "hustler" layouts??? the presence of greatness??

I can't explain it. I just get really nervous...perhaps your opinion matters to me. AACCK!
>lepiej design

I'll second that. Just try to search for books on graphic layout, and then books on graphic design. The search result will give you the answer to the question why I opt for 'graphic design', too.
ksiazki na temat graphic design - OK.

Ale to nie znaczy szata graficzna. Jak juz to uzywa sie terminow takich jak: GUI(graphical user interface) czy UI(user interface). Ten graphic design nie jest zly, tylko ze nie oznacza szatay graficznej. No i layout jako jedno slowo, bez design(tez troche w innym kontekscie). IMHO.
Szata graficzna oznacza więcej niż layout, stąd takie użycie. Dlatego też napisałem, że lepiej, bo termin jest 'pojemniejszy'.

Trzeba zaznaczyć też, że 'szata graficzna' nie odnosi się tylko do stron internetowych, choć głównie tam mamy z nią do czynienia.
Right, Szelekk(k?k?).
Not 'graphic layout', just 'layout', the page's layout
The reason why I did not like 'graphic design' was that it means theory of making great-looking pages to me and the way a page looks like in practice is 'layout'.

Now, Did Savvy actually mention laying a Hustler girl or is it just the layout of this page making certain letters or words fuse?
ah, it's about an application?
then I'd go for (G)UI.
Ech, ta młodzież... Papierowych gazet to już się nie czyta?;)
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1-30 z 41
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