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Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Tomek has been my close friend since 2007. I met him in the school, he has got 16 years old, but he looks about twenty. He is completely different from other. He is tall and slim, but strong and athletic. He has medium blond hair.His eyes are blue. He has one brother, his name is Mariusz.He usualy wears jeans and t-shirt or jumper . He has unusual character. He is modest. He is the kind of person that you can always trust. Sometimes he is quick-tempered since he gets angry without having a good reason. From time to time he has tends to be stubborn.Tomek is very outgoing and he has lot of friends. I very like him because he is friendly.Tomek can support me on different situations, when sometimes i be sad he always console me. He has similar interest to my, he loves cars,games,girls,computers and bikes.Tomek is very good beat boxer. Tomek don't like school and German language, he want to be proffesional player because he very like volleyball. I like going with him to Bielsko-Biała and doing stupid things.Tomek like shopping. My best friend is a very special person for me. He is my best friend because I know I can trust him and tell him all my secrets. Secondly, He helps for other peoples and she doesn't want anything in return. I hope we will always be friends.This is end of describing my best friend.
pomóżcie :)
at school
nie mowi sie po angielsku 'MA 16 lat', tylko jak?
medium średnio co? średnio blond?
t-shirt i inne czesci ubrania sa policzalne
his character is unusual
has tends?
bardzo go lubie - nie tak, jak piszesz, trzeba uzyc much na koncu, a co przed much?
in different situations
i be = ja byc
console - nie w trzeciej osobie!
interests to mine - nb. Ty też lubisz dziewczyny?
beat boxer jest policzalny
don't nie w trzeciej osobie
he want - ten sam blad, wiele innych czasownikow w zdaniach o tomku bez 's', a powinno byc z 's'
helps other people (to juz jest liczba mnoga)
ostatnie zdanie do usuniecia, wystarczy to poprzednie
Dziękuję :D


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