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Przetłumaczyłam z języka polskiego. Takie krótkie sprawozdanie. Chciałabym żebyście przelecieli okiem i poprawili jeżeli zauważyliście błąd. Z góry dziękuję.

The book called "The Secret Garden" was written by Frances Hodgson Burnett. Main characters in the story are: Mary Lennox, Archibald Craven, Colin Craven, Dick Sowerby, Martha Sowerby, Susan Sowerby, Mrs. Medlock and Ben Weatherstaff. The action is set within a few months, in England and on the estate of Misselthwaite Manor. After parents death, died of cholera, Mary Lennox moved from India to England. She landed under the care of her uncle, Archibald Craven. She met there Martha, young maid, owing to her she knew about the secret garden. Soon she met Ben Weatherstaff, the gardener. While visiting the bizarrely estate of his uncle, Mary heard a baby cry. But household didn't let her to discover the secret of the house. One day, Mary was watching the bullfinch and she found the key to the secret garden. Since then, the garden became her kingdom. She decided to take care of garden. She met Dick, younger brother Martha's, big aficionado of nature, which became her role model. Once she asked the uncle for a piece of his land and he agreed that. Then, when she couldn't sleep at night she discovered what is a source of crying. She met at the time another secret of the house, the son of her uncle – Colin, which was regarded by his father as a cripple. Soon, between hysterical Colin and Mary have been a quarrel, after which the cousins became friends. She acquaint Colin with Dick. Dick and Mary decided to take Colin to the garden. There, Colin rallied and worked together with everyone. Once, Dick's mother visited them - Susan Sowerby and they told her about the secret garden. Traveling in Europe, the uncle Archibald came back to home because Susan Sowerby asked him to do that, and he saw his son, healthy walking. I think that the book is really recommendable for kids and also for parents. The book teach about independence, real friendship, nature love, respect for work. Parents can use that book to avoid much mistakes in parenting. I love the characters in that book, especially Susan Sowerby's. I admire her for helping kids. I liked Dick to, because i also like nature. First, I awfully didn't like character of Mary. She was impolite, capricious, egoistic and malignant. But owing to Martha and first at all the secret garden she changed into a sensitive and enjoying life girl. I recommend to read that book. It is really very interesting and instructive.
(brakuje przedimka) main characters in the story are: Mary Lennox, Archibald Craven, Colin Craven, Dick Sowerby, Martha Sowerby, Susan Sowerby, Mrs. Medlock and Ben Weatherstaff.
After 'parents death, died of cholera' (cos tu nie tak, tutaj, to albo ' after her parents died of cholera, albo after her parents death of cholera), Mary Lennox moved from India to England. She 'landed' (nie za bardzo trafne slowo) under the care of her uncle, Archibald Craven. She met there Martha, (brak przedimka) young maid, (tu cos brak) owing to her THAT she knew about the secret garden. Soon 'she' (daj tutaj imie, zeby bylo wiadomo o kogo chodzi) met Ben Weatherstaff, the gardener. While visiting the 'bizarrely' (zla czesc mowy) estate of 'his' (tutaj to 'her' bo Mary to kobieta) uncle, Mary heard a baby cry. But (cos brak) household didn't let her 'to' (niepotr) discover the secret of the house. One day, Mary was watching 'the' A bullfinch and she found the key to the secret garden.
She decided to take care of (przedimek) garden. She met Dick, 'younger brother Martha's' (zla kol slow, najpierw Martha's ...), (przedimek) big aficionado of nature, 'which' WHO (o ludziach to 'who') became her role model. Once she asked the uncle for a piece of his land and he agreed TO that. Then, when she couldn't sleep at night she discovered what 'is' WAS 'a' THE source of (cos brak)crying. She met at the time another secret of the house, the son of her uncle – Colin, 'which' WHO was regarded by his father as a cripple. Soon, between hysterical Colin and Mary 'have been' (to jest zle, ale lepiej daj 'developed') a quarrel, after which the cousins became friends. She acquaintED Colin with Dick.
'Traveling' (ortog) in Europe, 'the' (niepotr) uncle Archibald came back 'to' (niepotr) home because Susan Sowerby asked him to do that, and he saw his son, 'healthy walking' (nie, slowo 'healthy' tutaj nie za bardzo pasuje).
The book teachES (it teaches) (ale kogo? musisz napisac) about independence, real friendship, 'nature love' (tutaj chuba 'love of nature') AND respect for work. Parents can use that book to avoid 'much' MANY mistakes in parenting.
I admire her for helping THE kids. I liked Dick 'to' TOO, because 'i' (duza litera) also like nature. First, I 'awfully' (nie za bardzo trafne slowo) didn't like (przedimek) character of Mary.
But 'owing' (napisz 'thanks') to Martha 'and first at all' (cos tu nie tak) the secret garden she changed into a sensitive and 'enjoying life' (cos tu nie tak) girl. I recommend (ale komu? napisz) to read that book.
The action is set within a few months, in England and on the estate of Misselthwaite Manor.
@Olaa, to mozna rozumiec ze akcja przebiegala w dwoch roznych miejscach. Mozesz cos zmienic zeby brzmialo lepiej.