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Hans Zimmer - My favourite musician

One of the people, that I really admire is Hans Zimmer - a magnificent German composer and pianist, who has made music for over 120 films.

Hans Zimmer was born on 12th September of 1957 in Frankfurt am Main. When he was child, he played the piano at home. Young Zimmer had to learn play alone, because his private teacher supposedly gave up after two weeks of lessons with him.

In 1988 he composed a soundtruck to film "Rain Man". Few years later he won his first Academy Award, and Golden Globe for film "The Lion King". From this time, he made a music for an amazing films like "Inception" , "Sherlock Holmes" , "The Last Samurai" , "Pirates of The Carribean" and "The Dark Knight"

Summarising: Hans Zimmer is one of my favourite composer. I love listening to his music and I belive that he is going to be one of the best musician ever.

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Początkowo napisałem go na 179 słów ale musiałem go skrócić. Jeśli chcecie mogę wam wysłać pierwotną wersję.

One of the people, that I really admire is Hans Zimmer - a magnificent German composer and pianist, who has 'made' (nie za bardzo trafne slowo, moze 'composed') music for over 120 films.

Hans Zimmer was born on '12th September of 1957' (nie, 12.9.57) in Frankfurt am Main. When he was (brak tutaj cos, 'a') child, he played the piano at home. Young Zimmer had to learn TO play alone, because his private teacher supposedly gave up after two weeks of lessons with him.

In 1988 he composed a 'soundtruck' (popraw) to (przedimek) film "Rain Man". A few years later he won his first Academy Award, and Golden Globe for (przedimek) film "The Lion King". From 'this' THAT time, he 'made a music' (nie, to jest zle, tutaj lepiej...composed the score) for 'an' (niepotr bo dalej wymieniasz l. mn) amazing films 'like' (nie like, tylko SUCH AS) "Inception" , "Sherlock Holmes" , "The Last Samurai" , "Pirates of The Carribean" and "The Dark Knight".

'Summarising' (tego slowa niepotr): Hans Zimmer is one of my favourite composerS. I love listening to his music and I 'belive' (ortog) that he is going to be one of the best musicianS ever.

tam pierzwsz zdanie trzba by przerobic było




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