Pomóżcie z gramatyką, Przyimki !!!!

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Witam! Potrzebuje waszej pomocy. Mam takie zadanie aby, wstawić odpowiednie przyimki lecz kompletnie nie wiem czy te które wstawiłam są dobre (te w nawiasach to wstawione przeze mnie). Proszę pomóżcie!!!

They also have a different approach 22)…………..(to)the law. Scots law relies more on a system of legal principles than English law, which is based on precedents. The Scottish courts and judges look for the legal principles involved and then relate them to the case before them. The English courts take up the case and then argue 23)………….(???) its relationship to previous cases. Wales used a mixture of English and Welsh laws until the 16th. Century, when all of the old Welsh laws and customs were declared illegal. Nowadays, the Welsh languages is sometimes used in court, but there are no differences in the laws themselves. When a law is passed in Parliament, it might have special notes on how it will be administered in Wales, but the law itself is the same for both England and Wales. In 1920, the government of Ireland Act set 24)………..(to) a separate Parliament in Northern Ireland, but this was not fully independent. In 1972 the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, a British Government minister, took 25)………..(a)much of power that had existed separately in Northern Ireland.

“Last night my brother was in a fight 1)……………….(with)a young man from the next village. The man pulled out a knife and my brother defended himself 2)………..(for)him. this morning we heard that the young man was wounded and is dying. We have to get ready now for a battle with the kinfolk of his family. Unless someone can talk to them and arrange a blood payment there will be many deaths”. People who were accused of crimes had to appear in front of the village moot. If they did not appear for their trial they were declared outlaws and could be killed by anyone. As the quotation describes, blood payment, or compensation, in place of family revenge, was practiced in Saxon times. People were awarded a sum of money according 3)……...(by)their social rank. Those who admitted their crime had to pay a fine to anyone they had harmed. In the case of murder the fine was called wergild (it means “man price”). The size of it depended 4)……….(by)the importance of the injured person. The more important the victim, the higher the wergild. If the accused could not find enough oath-helpers (people who would swear he was innocent), he was tried by ordeal. The Anglo-Saxon believed that God would judge whether the person was guilty or not. The accused person either picked a stone out of a pan of boiling water or carried a bar of red-hot iron for several paces. If the scaled or burned hand begun to heal after three days, the person was considered innocent. If not, he or she was guilty. In the years following there was a slow transition 5)…….…(of)a social system that used laws and courts to settle disputes. In those days, many laws related to land ownership and the value of those who worked on the land. In the days before the Norman Conquest of 1066, England was not a unified country 6)…..…..(in)a central government. The King gave gifts of weapons and land to his people. In return they fought for him. He was advised by a group of councilors called the Witan. The Thanes were the nobles. They owned a lot of land and were made caldermen and acted 7)………….(of)judges and rulers in their areas. The churls were free peasants who owned some land. They paid taxes and fought for their thane (a man belonging to a class of a rank between nobles and ordinary men, who held land from the king in return for military service). They had to take part in village meetings called folk moots, which were held whenever there were arguments 8)………..(to)land. Slaves could be bought, sold, or given 9)………(up)A slave could be worth as much as Boxen. Later Alfred, King of Wessex (who united the smaller kingdoms), passed laws allowing slaves to sell things they had made and to own some property. Thus the economy of the country was locally based, centred on towns and villages- and laws derived 10)……….(from)local customs. Enforcing the law was a village responsibility headed by courts of ten men, called tithing. This period saw the rise of feudalism, a social and economic system that tied people to the land and to a person of a superior rank. The lord of the manor became a powerful figure in the district, influential in the local courts of the time.

After 1066,the Norman kings built 11)………..(to)a centralized administration. They appointed shire reeves (sheriffs) to administer area courts, and itinerant judges who traveled 12)………(to)the country hearing cases. Slowly the isolation of local custom gave way to an acceptance of law based 13)……....(on) the accumulation of cases heard before the courts. This has become know 14)……...(in)common law. Legal power in England laid with the King the Church and the large landowners. Struggles between them were bound to follow.

King John was a very unpopular king. He forced his subjects to pay 15)………...(of)defending his land in France and he misused the powers of the Crown. In. 1215, the large landowners of England- the barons- made the King sign a charter (Magna Carta) recognizing the rights of his subjects. Following Magna Carta, people began to thing of the law, not as an instrument to be used 16)……….(by)the King but as something above the King, by which he must rule. During the reigns that followed, the central assembly of landowner, called Parliament, began to summon representative from shire courts. These courts were based 17)………..(on)the different shires- now called counties. The presence of these shire representatives began to strengthen the authority of Parliament and over succeeding centuries in grew into something like the democratic governing body we have today.

In the 17th c. the power 18)……….(of)the King was again challenged this time by Parliament. The challenge led to civil war and the execution of King Charles I in 1649. Although the monarchy was later restored, the conflict 19)……...(with)monarch and Parliament continued King Charles II, for instance, reluctantly introduced “Habeas Corpus” in 1679, an act that freed people from being imprisoned unlawfully. Although its principles date back to Magna Carta, this act is still 20)……..(in)use today.

There is no single system of law of the United Kingdom. In Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland there are some procedures which differ from those in England 21)……...(in)1707 the separate Scottish and English Parliament were replaced by the British Parliament, but it was agreed that Scotland would keep its own legal system. As a result, there are many differences between the Scottish and English laws used today. The Scots have a different
nie rob tego. Wklejamie tego samego to 1. wkur...wszystkich a 2. daje nam znac o twojej desperacji.
Wszystkie napisy pokazuja sie - tak, ze wystarczy jeden raz a dobrze.
The English courts take up the case and then argue 23)………….(???) (BRAK) its relationship to previous cases.
In 1920, the government of Ireland Act set 24)………..(to) (ZLE SLOWO) a separate Parliament in Northern Ireland, but this was not fully independent.
In 1972 the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, a British Government minister, took 25)………..(a)(ZLE SLOWO) much of (BRAK PRZEDIMKA) power that had existed separately in Northern Ireland.

The man pulled out a knife and my brother defended himself 2)………..(for) (to jest zle, slowo 'for' tutaj znaczy 'dla' niego- a tobie potrzeba OD niego) him.
'As the quotation describes' (to nawet nie jest po ang.), blood payment, or compensation, in place of family revenge, was practiced in Saxon times.
People were awarded a sum of money according 3)……...(by) (ZLE SLOWO) their social rank.
The size of it depended 4)……….(by)(ZLE SLOWO) the importance of the injured person.
In the years following there was a slow transition 5)…….…(of) 'a' (ZLE SLOWO) social system that used laws and courts to settle disputes.
England was not a unified country 6)…..…..(in) (ZLE SLOWO) a central government.
They owned a lot of land and were made caldermen and acted 7)………….(of) (ZLE SLOWO) judges and rulers in their areas.
They had to take part in village meetings called folk moots, which were held whenever there were arguments 8)………..(to) (ZLE SLOWO) land. Slaves could be bought, sold, or given 9)………(up) (OK)
Thus the economy of the country was locally based, centred on towns and villages- and laws derived 10)……….(from)(OK) local customs.

After 1066,the Norman kings built 11)………..(to) (TEGO NIE ROZUMIEM) a centralized administration. They appointed shire reeves (sheriffs) to administer area courts, and itinerant judges who traveled 12)………(to) (OK) the country hearing cases. Slowly the isolation of local custom gave way to an acceptance of law based 13)……....(on) (OK) the accumulation of cases heard before the courts. This has become knowN 14)……...(in)( ZLE SLOWO)common law.

He forced his subjects to pay 15)………...(of) (ZLE SLOWO) defending his land in France and he misused the powers of the Crown.
Following Magna Carta, people began to thinK of the law, not as an instrument to be used 16)……….(by) (OK) the King but as something above the King, by which he must rule. During the reigns that followed, the central assembly of landownerS, called Parliament, began to summon representative from shire courts. These courts were based 17)………..(on) (ZLE SLOWO) the different shires- now called counties.

In the 17th c. the power 18)……….(of) (OK) the King was again challenged this time by Parliament. . Although the monarchy was later restored, the conflict 19)……...(with) (BRAK PRZEDIMKA) monarch and Parliament continued King Charles II, for instance, reluctantly introduced “Habeas Corpus” in 1679, an act that freed people from being imprisoned unlawfully. Although its principles date back to Magna Carta, this act is still 20)……..(in) (OK) use today.

In Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland there are some procedures which differ from those in England 21)……...(in) (OK) 1707 the separate Scottish and English Parliament were replaced by the British Parliament, but it was agreed that Scotland would keep its own legal system.

widac braki w jez. ang.
A czy mógłbyś/mogłabyś sprawdzić czy teraz jest poprawnie w tych kóre były złe:

They also have a different approach 22)…………..(to)the law.
The English courts take up the case and then argue 23)………….(-)) its relationship to previous cases.
In 1920, the government of Ireland Act set 24)………..(of) a separate Parliament in Northern Ireland, but this was not fully independent.
In 1972 the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, a British Government minister, took 25)………..(of)much of power that had existed separately in Northern Ireland.

“Last night my brother was in a fight 1)……………….(with)a young man from the next village. T
he man pulled out a knife and my brother defended himself 2)………..(from)him.
People were awarded a sum of money according 3)……...(of)their social rank.
The size of it depended 4)……….(on)the importance of the injured person.
In the years following there was a slow transition 5)…….…(from)a social system that used laws and courts to settle disputes.
In the days before the Norman Conquest of 1066, England was not a unified country 6)…..…..(with)a central government.
They owned a lot of land and were made caldermen and acted 7)………….(in)judges and rulers in their areas.
They had to take part in village meetings called folk moots, which were held whenever there were arguments 8)………..(for)land.
After 1066,the Norman kings built 11)………..(of)a centralized administration.
This has become know 14)……...(of)common law.
King John was a very unpopular king. He forced his subjects to pay 15)………...(on)defending his land in France and he misused the powers of the Crown.
These courts were based 17)………..(on)the different shires- now called counties.
The English courts take up the case and then argue 23)………….(-)) (tutaj niepotr zadnego jak napisalas) its relationship to previous cases.
In 1920, the government of Ireland Act set 24)………..(of) (dalej zle - tutaj znaczy 'tworzenie' - ale wymagaja idiom) a separate Parliament in Northern Ireland, but this was not fully independent.
In 1972 the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, a British Government minister, took 25)………..(of) (nie wiem po co to 'of' jest tutaj) much of THE power that had existed separately in Northern Ireland.

People were awarded a sum of money according 3)……...(of) (nie, tutaj inaczej) their social rank.

They owned a lot of land and were made caldermen and acted 7)………….(in) (nie, tutaj 'acting' 'jako' a nie 'w') judges and rulers in their areas.
They had to take part in village meetings called folk moots, which were held whenever there were arguments 8)………..(for) (nie, jak mamy argument to cos jest 'o czym' rozmawiamy) land.
After 1066,the Norman kings built 11)………..(of) (nie rozumiem tergo 'of' tutaj) a centralized administration.
This has become knowN 14)……...(of) (nie rozumiem tego 'of' tutaj) common law.
He forced his subjects to pay 15)………...(on) (nie, tutaj nie rozumiesz o co chodzi) defending his land in France and he misused the powers of the Crown.
These courts were based 17)………..(on) (nie, tutaj nie 'na' tylko 'w') the different shires- now called counties.
Zastosowałam się do Twoich wskazówek. Czy teraz jest dobrze?
(Czy zdania które nie wymieniłas w ostatnim poście są zrobione poprawnie przeze mnie?)

In 1920, the government of Ireland Act set 24)………..(up) a separate Parliament in Northern Ireland, but this was not fully independent.

People were awarded a sum of money according 3)……...(to) their social rank.

They owned a lot of land and were made caldermen and acted 7)………….(as a) judges and rulers in their areas.

They had to take part in village meetings called folk moots, which were held whenever there were arguments 8)………..(about) land.
After 1066,the Norman kings built 11)………..(for) a centralized administration.
This has become knowN 14)……...(from) common law.
He forced his subjects to pay 15)………...(up) defending his land in France and he misused the powers of the Crown.
These courts were based 17)………..(in) the different shires- now called counties.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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