Trudne zdanie:)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
"Naught he found too lofty,none he saw too law". Nikogo(nic) nie uznał za zbyt wzniosłe,niczego(nikogo) nie ujrzał zbyt słabym(podłym)? Takie jakieś dosłowne tłumaczenie mi wychodzi. To fragment jakiejś pieśni.
This English is obsolete, perchance this extract can be dated to the literature of the late medieval period (można to sprawdzić).

Naught he found too lofty,none he saw too lOw.

Nie był ani zbyt wyniosły ani zbyt skromny.
Cytat: grudziu
Naught he found too lofty,none he saw too lOw.

Nie był ani zbyt wyniosły ani zbyt skromny.

I don't think so
He didn’t see anything ‘lofty’ in it ( in spreading the wealth like there’s no tomorrow?) and nor did he consider anyone to be ‘low’.

In other words, he was a radical leftist demonican like in that ode, remember : -)

“But father, won’t there come a time
when they run out of cash,
When we have left them not a dime
when things will go to smash?”

“My faith in you is shrinking,
son, you nosey little brat;
You do too much thinking, boy,
to be a Democrat!”
edytowany przez savagerhino: 18 lut 2013
Cytat: savagerhino
Cytat: grudziu
Naught he found too lofty,none he saw too lOw.

Nie był ani zbyt wyniosły ani zbyt skromny.

I don't think so
He didn’t see anything ‘lofty’ in it ( in spreading the wealth like there’s no tomorrow) and nor did he consider anyone to be ‘low’.

In other words, he was a radical leftist demonican like in that ode, remember : -)

“But father, won’t there come a time
when they run out of cash,
When we have left them not a dime
when things will go to smash?”

“My faith in you is shrinking,
son, you nosey little brat;
You do too much thinking, boy,
to be a Democrat!”

So a blooper of mine again ha-ha, which is tradition already on this forum :-). All I can say in justification of my actions is that I didn't know the context, but still, I goofed :D.
Nikogo(nic) nie uznał za zbyt wzniosłe, (nikogo) nie trakrował jako zbyt niskiego (nieszlachetnego)
>Wheat he gave to rich folk, millet to the poor,
>Broken scraps for holy men that beg from door to door;
>Cattle to the tiger, carrion to the kite,

If this is not 'spreading the wealth', what is?:)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.