catch up

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7 day catch up. Wie ktoś jak to przetłumaczyć? Chodzi o jakiś promocyjny zestaw TV.
Dyskusja, reportaz itp z minionych siedmiu dni. /moze inne znaczenie w BrE/
edytowany przez fui_eu: 19 mar 2013
Kurde,to zdanie brzmiało 7 day free catch up.
catch-up to też "doganianie" kogoś/czegoś, aby dorównać komuś/czemuś.
Catch up = get current, cos takie zeby byc na biezaco ze sprawami. Nie jestem pewien jak to ujac po polsku.
Cytat: fui_eu
Catch up = get current, cos takie zeby byc na biezaco ze sprawami. Nie jestem pewien jak to ujac po polsku.

"doganianie". Sam nie wiem jak to lepiej po polsku wyrazić.

It is ten years of catch-up for me to get mg's or Sav's or engee's or yours (sorry too many people to list) level of language.
Ktos mi tu podpowiada ze catch up w szkole braki z powodu nieobecnosci bedzie nadgonic albo nadrobic. Czy podobnie moze byc nadgonic z wiadomosciami?
Pewnie. W szkole powiemy: muszę nadrobić zaległości.

Are you also snowed up over there in Canada? Here, despite the fact it's already the second half of March, the winter seems to have set in for nearly a week :/.
Very much so. Only yesterday we had 16cm of the white stuff and -30°C. For comparison, same day last year it was +24.
edytowany przez fui_eu: 20 mar 2013
Despite of the second half of March We've been getting huge amounts of snow to where I live ( nearby St. Cross ). Last night snowfalls turned into blizzard . I do fancy winter but it's only when i don't have to wake up soon before first light and set my feet out , really.
edytowany przez Robbertoxx: 20 mar 2013
>>Dyskusja, reportaz itp z minionych siedmiu dni. /moze inne znaczenie w BrE/

I guess it's BrE in the first place. A catch-up TV feature is basically a form of VOD service ( video on demand). Some US broadcasters also tag it a 'seven day archive'. That goes for the radio too.
I mean those stations streaming live feeds on the internet.

>>It is ten years of catch-up for me to get mg's or Sav's or engee's or yours (sorry too many people to list) level of language.

That's a wild exaggeration. Let's not do that, ok.
edytowany przez savagerhino: 20 mar 2013
Sav@ That's a wild exaggeration. Let's not do that, ok.

I was just kidding.
Once I came across watching British telly : " Lines may now be closed - it's a catch- up service"
edytowany przez Robbertoxx: 20 mar 2013
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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