Integrated skills classes

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Proszę spójrzcie na poprawność nast. zdań:

1. I write to him almost every day.


2. Hardly a day passes without me writing to him.

It was more of an argument than a discussion.

It was not so much____________________________________.

2.1 It was not so much a discussion as an argument.

2.2. It was less a discussion, more an argument.

1. The fisherman's life was one of great poverty.


Throughout his life, the fisherman was in great poverty.

2. Simon had not expected that he would feel so weak after the operation.

The operation left_____________________________________.

2.1 The operation left Simon's feeling unexpectedly weak.

2.2. The operation left Simon far weak than expected.


p.s. jeszcze to:

Someone has suggested abolishing icome tax.


It has been suggested that income tax (should) be abolished.
edytowany przez grudziu: 13 maj 2013
1. blad w oryginale. Powinno być 'post on'
2.2 dziwne
3. mówi się 'was in poverty'?
4. Simon feeling, druga wersja nie
ostatnie ok
mg -

cheers :)
...the fisherman suffered great poverty.

Pozostałe to były takie 'eksperymenty', między innymi z tym 'poverty' oraz w zdaniu z 'discussion'.

suffered ok
Jeszcze raz dziękuję. Doceniam to.

He is very likely to come. PROBABILITY

1. In all probability he will come.
2. There's a high probability he will come.
3. There's much probability he will come.
4. The probability is that he will come.
5. There seems to be a (high) probabilty that he will come.

1, 2
pozostale sa dziwne, ewent 5, ale z high
tez mysle ze 'dziwne'
do poprzedniego postu, tez moze byc:
Hardly a day goes by when I don’t write to him ( w swojej wersji moze daj lepiej ..without my writing to him )
The operation left Simon weaker than he had expected.
edytowany przez savagerhino: 13 maj 2013
Wiecie, tutaj specjalnie kombinuję. Chcę, abyście swoim okiem wykluczyli niektóre ;)
'The probability is that prices will rise rapidly.' Oxford

moze zatem 4# ok?

nie spotykam takiego uzycia
Kolejna transformacja:

I do not enjoy cooking for five hungry children.


1. Cooking for five hungry children is not something I enjoy.
2. Cooking for five hungry children is not enjoyable to me.
3. Cooking for five hungry children is what I do not enjoy.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.