Sprawdzenie szczególnie poprawności ''prepositions''

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Jeśli ktoś znajdzie chwilę, bardzo prosiłbym o sprawdzenie:

1.General view on climate changes, with particular reference to the most important causes of global warming.
2.The main interactions between glaciers and climate.
3.The importance of sattelite digital data in the aspect of understanding changes on a global scale.
4.The explanation of the North Atlantic Oscilation and Atlantic Oscilation with reference to the statistical predictions.
5. The significance of the ocean currents illustrated with an example of the Gulf Stream.

Generalnie mam problem z tym gdzie stosować the a gdzie nie. Jest to plan prezentacji naukowej.
edytowany przez jaskier88: 30 cze 2013
nie trzeba tego pisac w 'bold' bo i tak widzimy....

3.The importance of sattelite digital data 'in the aspect of' (tego to nie rozumiem, moze 'with regard to) understanding changes on a global scale.
4.The explanation of the North Atlantic Oscilation and Atlantic Oscilation with reference to 'the' (niepotr) statistical predictions.
5. The significance of the ocean currents illustrated 'with' BY an example of the Gulf Stream.

the example - dałbym 'the'.

Zastanawiam się, czy aby nie nadużyłem nieco ''the'' na początku zdań.

The main, The importance, The explanation i The signifance jest poprawne?

Z resztą podobną sytuację mam w przypadku samego tytułu:

The role of glaciers activity in better understanding the process of global warming.

Zakładam, że jest poprawnie, jednak jeśli ktoś z was mógłby rzucić okiem i ewentualnie coś poprawć byłbym wdzięczny.
The role of glaciers' activity in better understanding of the global warming process. - tak chyba będzie najlepiej żeby nie pisać 100 razy 'of ' :-)
Aha i piszemy ' oscillation ' - dwa 'l'
Masz opcje ominiecia /przynajmniej poczatkowych/ przedimkow.
Czy to znaczy, że może być zarówno z przedimkiem jak i bez?
1. General view on climate changes, with particular reference to the most important causes of global warming.

A general view… be humble.
the most important causes… if you can’t see all of the most important causes, keep your mouth shut.

is what a wise man would say.

2. The main interactions between glaciers and climate.

If you are going to talk about all of them, say The main interactions…
If you are going to speak to a selected few and fart around some, say Main Interactions…

3. The importance of satellite digital data in the aspect of understanding changes on a global scale

The importance of …in understanding changes … is the only way to go. Importance is no abstract scientific variable. Changes on a global scale is globalist crap even if the language could swallow it; in the aspect of isn’t pretty either.

4. The explanation of the North Atlantic Oscillation and Atlantic Oscillation with reference to the statistical predictions.

With reference to stinks as much as in the aspect of: both mean little. Be specific and articulate.
The statistical predictions rounds all of them up and sounds powerful provided you know and will address all of them. Be humble. I bet you don’t know mine?

5. The significance of the ocean currents illustrated with an example of the Gulf Stream.\---

The significance of the ocean currents is a good general statement, but what will your paper illustrate? The significance or the currents?
An example of anything does not like the before example..

N.B. I hate this shitty little window called "Dodaj wpis to tematu." Why is it so pipsqueak?
global patterns of change
Thanks 335, but unfortunately it's too late... i'm already after my lecture. Despite being not completely correct, the presentation went suprisingly good, and it turned out to be comprehensible even for native speakers. Thanks again for your suggestions, I will keep it in mind.
edytowany przez jaskier88: 02 lip 2013
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.